I am about to post some questions to a local HLC elder that I used to be friends with. Now, of course, we are no longer friends.
I want to post him information from the Society's own literature and ask him questions as to why he continues in his role etc
Has anybody got any 'clever' questions or WTS source information that may be helpful to me?
Many thanks
Paul M
HLC Elder questions....
by besty 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
choosing life
Tell them that transfusions of whole blood are rarely used in medicine anymore. Almost all transfusions are fractions of blood. Then ask exactly how are jws different from others when accepting fractions. Also where in the Bible does it indicate what fractions are acceptable? What does the word abstain mean?
Been down that road and they have no answers.
Tell them that transfusions of whole blood are rarely used in medicine anymore. Almost all transfusions are fractions of blood. Then ask exactly how are jws different from others when accepting fractions. Also where in the Bible does it indicate what fractions are acceptable? What does the word abstain mean?
Been down that road and they have no answers
As a nurse, who has had several run-ins with them, I have used this one too. They don't have answers.....just OPINIONS!!
What does HLC stand for?
While we're at it, what does "bttt" stand for?
I'm a bit behind. Thanks
I'll see what I can dig up.....but when dr's order blood for a patient, they specify what part of the blood to give. RBC's....etc. They separate the blood when it's donated.
What happens to your blood after it is donated?top
Your blood donation can be separated into three individual components:
Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body and are administered to replenish blood loss and maintain adequate levels of oxygen. Red blood cells can be stored up to 42 days and are usually used by trauma or surgical patients.Plasma, the liquid part of blood, is usually stored frozen for up to one year. Plasma is administered to patients with clotting problems.
Platelets clot the blood when cuts or other open wounds occur. Donated platelets must be used within days. Cancer and transplant patients often need repeated platelet transfusions.
After processing, the separated components are held for about 48 hours until testing confirms they are safe for distribution. Once released, blood units are usually delivered to hospitals and patients within a few days. Since your blood is separated into the several components, your single donation can potentially save three or more lives.
What does HLC stand for? While we're at it, what does "bttt" stand for?
HLC- Hospital Liason Committee (I think) btt- back to the top
Here is my "best of" http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/16/149428/1.ashx
I put it together while my wife was in the hospital as an attempt to sway her. It is a direct, frontal assault, and it tries to cut off ALL jw avenues of approach and exit.
The structure is such that it is meant to kick out all 3 legs of the jw stool.
1. Is there a scriptural basis for banning blood as a life-saving medical procedure?
2. Should the JW be trusted to interpret the scripture on this matter based on logic, medical facts, and history.
3. Has God ever given authority to men over other men in such matters?
If you use 'em let me know how it goes. I gave them to the local PO and they never came back.