In all practical sense when a person invests a good portion of his wealth and even borrows some to buy and set up
a book publishing company, he's pressed with an inner responsibility to make sure he's not going to lose his time and investment.
He's going to stand by and promote what he's selling for more than just one reason.
From day 1 all the magazines and books that C.T. Russell wrote and published were marketable literature with a mark up value placed on them.
So from the late 1800's right up to the early 1980's all magazines, books, cassette tapes, CD's what ever, all had a monetary mark up placed on them
and when you consider the volume of what they were producing world wide, its not too hard to see why they now have a billion dollars in assets.
The supposed God Heads of this faith are actually big wigs at the helm of a hugh and powerful Corporation, God has nothing to do with them at all.
This kingdom was never created and divised by Jesus Christ, it was created by men for men......period