Mr. Flipper & Son Hear, See, and Get Footprints of Bigfoot on Pack Trip

by flipper 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith


    Lemme know if you ever plan on being in the Portland/Vancouver area. I know of some breathtaking spots to hike & camp. Maybe we could look for Bigfoot together.


  • flipper

    LOW KEY LYSMITH- I will definitely take you up on that offer my friend. I will let you know if I am up in Vancouver or Portland area. I would be honored to look for Bigfoot with you. The same goes back to you if you are in the Northern California area. I now know some good remote spots myself

  • jaguarbass

    My psychic brother back in Ohio is a big fan and beliver in big foot.

    I'm just not tuned in at the moment.

    Some people say we evolved from ameobas and made it to big foots then the aliens came down and took big foot and made us.

    so big fooot is the missing link. To some people.

  • hillary_step

    Mr Flipper,

    To bury one's head in the sand , is like Jehovah's Witnesses refusing to see that they don't have other options.

    You must admit that there is a sweet irony in a person believing in the extraordinary with a thimble full of evidence and a rack of wishful thinking and then accusing a person who demands more evidence of being 'like Jehovah's Witnesses'.

    As you may know, the modern spate of Loch Ness sightings occured after a man took a photograph of what appeared to be a creature of unknown origin. Before he died, in more recent times, he admitted the photograph was a fake. This despite expert opinion that the picture was genuine and not a fake. The photograph inspired hundreds of sightings, photographs, videos etc of creatures in the Loch, despite scientists pointing out that the Loch is inert chemically and holds no food for a large creature.

    Remember that the film taken by Patterson, arguably the most evidential of the films, was taken by two men who had specifically gone on a 'Bigfoot' hunting expedition and who later argued with his partner over the royalties made on the movie. I have never been convinced by the film, but accept that, as with the Loch Ness situation, some experts have pronounced it as being the real thing.

    What is clear is that as with UFO's, and remember that many argue that Bigfoot is often seen around the area of UFO sightings, there is a desire with the layman, and even some scientists, to believe in something that elevates us beyond the day to day misery of mortage and hissing lawns. This is a dangerous mix of motives and one guaranteed to, as with your own 'evidence' in this thread, fill in scientific blanks with wishful thinking and spritited excitement.

    Does an unknown species of animal exist around the world that fits the description of Bigfoot? I doubt it for good reason, the main one being lack of quantifiable evidence, and yes, I have read most of the research at least until the early 90's. What would help is if you began threads with a more reasoned title such as "Mr. Flipper & Son May Have Heard, Seen, and Got Footprints of Bigfoot on Pack Trip'.

    When one utters definitive statements as you do in your thread title and then produce the thinnest of evidence to back it up, then perhaps it does a disservice to your own cause.


  • flipper

    JAGUAR BASS- Well, we all have our takes - but lots of research has been done and especially new research in the last 15 years. More and more scientists are joining in the search as the evidence is very convincing for Bigfoot's existence.

    HILLARY STEP- There is no " wishful thinking" involved on my part in researching Bigfoot, or going out to remote forests in search of evidence. I have proven it to myself, touched and photographed the footprints, heard the roaring vocalizations, heard the upwardly mobile bi-pedal heavy footsteps , and my son saw it through the trees for a few seconds , then it left. The name of this thread is " Mr. Flipper & Son Hear, See, and Get Footprints of Bigfoot on Pack Trip" not " Mr. Flipper proves Bigfoot's existence to Doubters." I really don't care that people disagree with me. I am not obligated to prove anything to you or anyone else. It is YOUR responsibility to prove it to yourself !

    Your statement , " I have read most of the research until the early 90's " I'm sure is true . But from 1993 till 2008, in the last 15 years much DNA evidence has been discovered proving the existence of this animal. I have provided sufficient information from of late for any people here to research- if they choose to do so. Jeff Meldrum's book from 2006, " Sasquatch - Legend Meets Science " is very objective in it's presentation of the evidence , and him being an anthropology professor who with other scientists are doing careful research on this subject- certainly gives it more powerful legitimacy than it may have when you read about it last . So, people just need to open their minds to he newer research the last 5 years or so of hair samples, scat samples, and flesh samples which have been found out in the field , and which exhibit primate type DNA . My definitive statements have not been made with the thinnest of evidence- if you do the research you will find there is LOTS of new evidence from the last 15 years

  • hillary_step


    This is the issue

    But from 1993 till 2008, in the last 15 years much DNA evidence has been discovered proving the existence of this animal.

    You state that the existence of this animal 'has been proved'. All we are asking for is that you define this proof. What is contained in the book you noted that provides DEFINITIVE proof of the animals existence. What do the DNA samples prove? It should not be difficult to precis this evidence for us all to read.

    The burden of proof is on YOU to provide this information, as YOU have made the statement that DNA evidence proves the existence of this animal.

    The reason that I mention the Patterson film is that this film is universally acknowledged to be the best of a patchy collection of films shot of this 'animal', and while some experts say the film has not been tampered with, most scientists have suggested, to this day, that the film was a hoax. Nothing in film since the 70's has approached the quality of this film and has resulted in more speculation than this film.

    I am not suggesting that such an animal may exist, though I have my doubts. What I am suggesting is that there is NO definitive evidence that can yet be provided to back up your statement.

    For those interested in reading the science behind the DNA 'discoveries', this is a good starting point: though it may not be good news for believers.


  • lilybird

    All I can say is: this thread shows the freedom of thought we have now we are freed from the borg. We can believe or question whatever we like without fear of disfellowshipping or alienation. No one really knows what is true in life , so much can't be proved simply by science or visible proof. Who knows.. there could very well be a Bigfoot. Why not?????I don't believe in God , but that doesn't make it absolute. There could really be a god who created us.Who really knows for sure. All I know is , its a great thing to be free to be able to debate and speculate on all these things.

  • SixofNine

    The borg ruined my life.

  • flipper

    HILLARY STEP- Very fine . I am not proving a science class here, nor conducting one. I've given out the info if anyone cares to research. I was just sharing my experience. You and I agree to disagree ; like always. I'm fine with that . People can come to their own conclusions by doing their own research- I'm not going to hold their hands and do it for them. I've done my own research , others can do the same.

    LILYBIRD- Yes- We do all have freedom of thought to analyze this, and accept whatever research we choose to do. The fact that we agree or disagree is really no big deal. We all have freedom of thought and speech here. I respect that.

    SIX of NINE- Yeah, I agree- the Borg ruined my life too, for awhile. But I overcame it later and became victorious over them . We are able to have the last laugh towards the Watchtower society in time - if we choose

  • ninja

    my mother in law is just back from hiking in california...she has bad indigestion and burping see bigfoot prints and hear a loud roar.........coincidence? decide

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