My brother is 14 years old. He has been held up by three guys brandishing knives. He had to hand over what little valuables he had on his person.
I'm shaking my head here in absolute disbelief!!! 9.9 people out of my 10 family has been a victim of crime. No matter how much I love this place, no matter how much we have to offer, one cannot turn a blind eye when it comes to crime.
Crime is OUT OF CONTROL and I and many thousands feel hopeless, helpless, because even if we are cautious, or try avoid it, or go out in ""orange alert"" the police and the government running this country are just not doing enough.
Crime pays in South Africa - I'm sick of it.
All I can say is thank goodness they just robbed him. My world would have come to a crashing end if anything had happend to him. I get chocked up and teary just thinking about it. People have been killed for less!
So I'm quite happy to marry a foreigner to get out of my country...please motivate why you are a suitable candidate and pm me Got to find a way to smile.