When lying isn't lying JW style

by bronzefist 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    I know this is an old topic, but there are many new ones onboard so here goes....

    I went to the book study (it's been more than a year since I last had the pleasure)... Revelation Book Chapter 39 paragraphs 1-13. When paragraph 13 finally comes around.....

    13 Does this mean that Jehovah’s Witnesses are against all government? Far from it! They obey the apostle Paul’s counsel: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities." They realize that as long as the present system lasts, those "superior authorities" exist by God’s permission for maintaining a measure of order in human society. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses pay their taxes, obey the laws, respect traffic ordinances, comply with registrations, and so forth. (Romans 13:1, 6, 7) Further, they follow Bible principles in being truthful and honest; showing love of neighbor; building a strong, moral family unit; and training their children to be exemplary citizens.In this way they pay back not only "Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God." (Luke 20:25; 1 Peter 2:13-17)

    the pompous "reader" says, " Our lawyers have USED goverments to get what we need to continue our preaching work worldwide." The conductor then pipes in, "Sometimes our guys have to STRETCH THE TRUTH in order to get what we want. This is NOT LYING because it serves Jehovah's purposes."

    I've been lied to by the BOE a number of times. I'm so glad that I finally have been told that I've actually been stretched the truth by them instead.


  • asilentone

    They should not have been taught the JW "Thecoratic Warfare". I think it is so screwed up religion!

  • *summer*

    I am sorry. But in my book, "stretching the truth" IS lying! And in the frame of mind I am right now, I would have said so...right then and there!

    P.S. love your avatar:-)

  • Hope4Others

    Stretch & lie amounts to the same darn thing.

    Funny but dumb, Boe finally hit me yesterday body of elders.



  • bronzefist

    Summer....I've known the ones that attend this book study (mostly older ones) for 20 years. "Calling out the reader or conductor wouldn't have done anything but "sadden" them. These people are special to me they have ALWAYS supported me in the years ( I'm the rebel) in the congregation. When I asked one older sister about the new BS arrangement she said, "Hell I'm not going to that meeting I have a hard time getting someone to pick me up for the Sunday meeting." By the way the avatar is a "spitting" image of me...ooops....there I go streching the truth.


  • chickpea

    just reaffirmation that the truth is not the truth if it is coming from the b0rg

  • *summer*


    My "reaction" sounds out of line.

    No matter my "frame of mind", being the better person goes a long way:-)

  • StAnn

    Better rewrite the Ten Commandments: "thou shalt not lie" becomes "thou shalt not lie unless it's suits the WTS"

  • bronzefist

    Summer BTW when I say these people have always supported me I meant just the 10 or so that attend this book study......most of the congregation do the polite smile and handshake then walk away from me.


  • WTWizard

    It isn't "lying" when they play their stupid little games to prevent rational argument and debate about policy with authorities. It isn't "lying" when they protect pedophiles in the ranks. It isn't "lying" when they deceive the rank and file about policies or mislead them into doing something they shouldn't or into dying, only to reverse policy a little later. It isn't "lying" when they tell you that they aren't really trying to funnel you into the Value Destroyer Training School when it is transparent that they are, and are hellbent on getting you there no matter what.

    And, it isn't "lying" when they twist the truth at the UN, after rejoining (this time as government members), for the purpose of plunging the whole world into the Second Dark Ages.

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