I am a Taurus but never could see my personality fitting the typical description until I read a book called the New Astrology which combined Eastern and Western signs. I am a Taurus Monkey and it nailed me to a tee. Interesting. I still use it when I meet new romantic interests as a guide but we are all so unique.
Horoscopes/star signs
by HB 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think its funny no one ever lists the negative traits of their sun sign
Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detachedlol
Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached
Probably because this does not fit any aquarian I know....lol
h40 -
Since I believe that the universe is connected in ways we don't always appreciate, I do believe that the planets and stars reflect things in a spiritual sense.
In the Qaballah, each Sephirah has a planetary attribution and they shed light upon the spiritual principles of the sephirah. I personally ascribe to the hermetic qaballah.
As for newspaper astrology and "this is your type" - I think these are oversimplified and therefore largely inaccurate. Sometimes it fits, sometimes it doesn't.
I do think that we are affected as individuals (and as nations) by things like phases of the moon and eclipses. Also there appears to be a connection with the astrological "ages" and events upon earth.
Ippy, I did mention bossy.
Ippy, I did mention bossy.
Wots wrong with that?
Given that astrology was invented millennia ago and is based on a view of the universe we now know to be inaccurate, it would be remarkable if it could be shown to provide any accurate information. Unsurprisingly, this has never happened.
Where astrology might have some benefit is where it provides "fortune-cookie" type advice such as "Consider opening a savings account. If you already have one, then consider saving a little more each week!", "be nice today [...] you won’t regret it tomorrow!", or "Try to stay positive; the complications that seem to be besieging you today will ease significantly tomorrow!" (all taken randomly from horoscope.com). These statements are good advice for almost anybody regardless of when they were born and following them is unlikely to cause anybody any real problems. The detailed personalised horoscopes strike me as far more dangerous. People may make major life decisions based on nothing more than the positions of planets in relation to an imaginary zodiac, and obviously such decisions are less likely to be worthwhile than those made based on a consideration of the relevant facts.
So, in summary, astrology is like any other superstition: harmless enough, as long as you don't actually believe it.
by grace
I don't have a lot of faith in the generic horoscopes, but I think there is definitely something to the Astrological charts. I'll tell you what, my husband is definitely a Gemini, and I have five Virgo signs in my astro chart, and I'd call myself an extreme Virgo. LOL It's true, your Sun sign is not all there is to it. I've done some research into it: Your Sun sign is your basic nature and strategies favored in dealing with life situations (inner being), sense of self or essence or character deep down inside. Your Rising Sign is how you see yourself, how you appear to others on first impression & how you want to appear, not who you are, it is how you act, your image, style & mannerisms. Your Moon sign indicates your emotional level - feelings, fears, sense of security or safety. Check out this site to do your own for free: http://www.alabe.com/freechart/
Strongest virtues of the Leo zodiac sign: leadership capability, self-confidence, generosity, creativity
Deepest need of the Leo zodiac sign: elation, the need to shine
Weaknesses of the Leo zodiac sign: arrogance, vanityGenerous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and lovingOn the dark side....
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerantPretty much right!!
Eyes Open
Yeah, they're great. I also find studying cow pats turns up some amazing results.