Gay Marriage - The War for Equality

by Inquisitor 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Carlos_Helms

    "I guess your own personal history repeats itself doesn't it? Your judgmental attitude is so pervasive it's astonishing. What I posted about the history of marriage is quite true. But you shouldn't take my word for it, you should go research it for yourself. Stop being a patsy, and believing whatever you are told, even if you do find the outside veneer or packaging to your liking. Also, respect needs to be earned. Do you really think I care what complete strangers think? Or homophobes? Or judgmental, small minded people looking for easy answers? I got out of the JWs and that mindset of always being concerned with what strangers think of me based on if I had an unwashed car in service, or if a 'worldly' neighbor saw me talk to a girl alone, or if I was wearing modest clothing. Start living your life based on what is important to you, not what some random stranger down the street may or may not think."

    Happy to have astonished you, Dude. That wasn't my intent; but if it got your attention, well enough.

    Well...this violates an agreement I made with myself not to argue with people about their denial of the "painfully obvious;" but your posted photo is more likely your "statement of fact" in the eyes of the vast majority of folks who log-on to JWD - because you chose it. In posting it, you've essentially INVITED some degree of judgment. But I've been careful not to be overly-judgmental of you, Indo; but give you a small piece of advice (which I fully anticipated would be rejected out of hand). It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to understand that someone who sees him- or her-self as a sexual object will typically dress to fit the part and will, consequently (lo and behold), be objectivized. Hear this: no one takes you seriously until you take yourself seriously. Now, you may ask, "Do you really think I care what complete strangers think?" What I think isn't in question here. It's what YOU think that is the issue. You have posted a picture of a peacock for tens-of-thousands to see. What are YOU thinking? Looks to me like you're try to sell something.


  • lesterd

    They are treated equally, they are free to marry a person of the opposit sex just like me. The want special rights and have gotten them, heterols are the ones being discriminated against by such speacial interest groups.

  • freydi

    Romans 1:21-25 "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen."

  • lonelysheep

    I don't know how anyone can be against marriage for people of the same gender and still claim to give a damn about humanity at the same time. The two do not go together.

    Religion keeps people stuck on stupid rather than progressing.

  • truthseeker


    Not to weigh in here on the pros or cons of the argument, but Carlos has you checkmated.

    When I see your avatar, what am I supposed to think? Am I supposed to not have an opinion? Can I take you seriously?

    Your avartar represents your identity to a point

    Research consistently shows that:

    • It takes less than 3 seconds to evaluate the other person based on their appearance, body language, demeanor, mannerisms and dress. And we do.

    • These first impressions are extremely difficult to change or undo.

    • Once people have made a judgment about the other person, they instinctively look for other clues (as the relationship progresses) to support their initial judgment. This is often referred to as the “halo effect”.

    First impressions count - I am sure you do not dress this way in person on most days, but you seem to want to project a certain flamboyancy about yourself which lends itself to certain days of the year when many feel more pride than they usually would.

  • Carlos_Helms

    "I don't know how anyone can be against marriage for people of the same gender and still claim to give a damn about humanity at the same time. The two do not go together.

    Religion keeps people stuck on stupid rather than progressing."

    Sorry, Lonelysheep, but it doesn't follow that all change is "progressing." Are you listening...or do you only hear what you want to hear? I'm "against marriage for people of the same gender" and, at the same time, care very much for humanity (and I hope I'm not TOO stupid!). My reasons are separate and distinct from religion. It just so happens that the Bible agrees with me. I believe that homosexual marriage will damage the institution that forms the bedrock of our society...and therefore, is inhumane. People tend to take this topic to such an emotional level that they lose their objectivity. I registered my opinion and I'm vindictively called homophobic and stupid. How humane is that?

    What consenting adults choose to do in private is fine with me - let the cards fall where they may; but I'm opposed to "legalizing" - giving a government stamp of approval to some things just because a minority claims it is their "right." There may be, after all, valid reasons they are in the minority. If everyone who raised a stink about their "rights" was awarded exactly what they feel they need to have, we'd likely be in worse shape than we are (hard to imagine, I know). If folks could just tone down the rhetoric for a few minutes, we just might be able to have a civil discussion on the matter. Unfortunately, it's also my opinion that it won't be able to happen.


  • truthseeker

    It's a shame that these fundamental questions are ripping the board apart - we came here because we left or are leaving the JWs not to argue fundamental rights of existence.

    It would be wrong to ignore these questions or place taboos on them, yet it is impossible to have a logical argument about them because the issue cuts deep to the beliefs of both sides and if it isn't discussed here it will be discussed somewhere else.

    I suggest that future "gay" threads be put on the Adult/Heated debate forum.

    Remember that newbies come here all the time, and if they see that the last few threads on the "Friends" section are advocating/supporting gay marriage, they may not wish to be welcomed here.

  • freydi

    what I can't understand is why there are so many deviants here that reject Scripture but that want to make their opinions and practices known. What's this got to do with jw's? If you want to practice your deviancy, go into your garage or basement or wherever, or are you here to recruit since you can't normally reproduce?

  • scotsman
    what I can't understand is why there are so many deviants here that reject Scripture but that want to make their opinions and practices known. What's this got to do with jw's? If you want to practice your deviancy, go into your garage or basement or wherever, or are you here to recruit since you can't normally reproduce?

    This really stretches the board rules and should be censored by the mods.

    Carlos, "bedrock of civilisation"? - lol, you've got to be American (and let's face it, Christian) to believe that. And as to judging people on their avatar's, you really should get out more. If you judge people on their avatars and you're comfortable debating with cartoon characters you really do have some issues. For a rare poster this topic seems to have tickled your fancy... Go and lock this thread someone, it's run it's course and becoming derogatory.
  • penny2

    There will always be people with prejudice but the law should be beyond that.

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