The New Golden Age by Ravi Batra(sp?) might be a good book to read - it's on my list. I heard him on an interview discussing how to survive the current economic crisis and in a nutshell for those that do not have investments nor absolutely secure jobs (and whose jobs is absolute?) was that cash is king. He suggested that rather than pay off debt, accumulate cash because that will be the safety net you need. I agree with him in that respect since most average people live day to day and don't have more than a few hundred bucks in the bank. When they fall they crash. I thought it was good common sense bit of advice. Think I'll go order the book now...sammieswife.
are you guys coping wit the cost of living?
by The Lone Ranger 25 Replies latest jw friends
I only have a 23 foot fishing boat....and I just filled up at the coast...........437.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....these fish better taste great.....oompa
I only fill up my gas tank once a month, so the rising gas prices hasn't been to hard on me. I've tried to cut down on gorcery spending by only buying the nessessities, and not alot of snack food. Cutting back on my morning starbucks and bagging my own lunch everyday helps as well. I am growing my own veggies and fruit this summer.
Check out this site if you want to see why your all suffering.
Read it. Not like a Watchtower. Think about it.
The New Golden Age by Ravi Batra(sp?) might be a good book to read - it's on my list. I heard him on an interview discussing how to survive the current economic crisis and in a nutshell for those that do not have investments nor absolutely secure jobs (and whose jobs is absolute?) was that cash is king. He suggested that rather than pay off debt, accumulate cash because that will be the safety net you need. I agree with him in that respect since most average people live day to day and don't have more than a few hundred bucks in the bank. When they fall they crash. I thought it was good common sense bit of advice. Think I'll go order the book now...sammieswife.
Ravi has been calling for this since the 1980's. While he does make for an interesting read, you must be careful of both extremes. too positive, and too negative. The problem with holding cash is that you are going to earn how much? 5% at the absolute most and more than likely, 1 to 2%. That is just not worth it. You must educate yourself, find markets that you feel comfortable with, and invest in those. Warlock
oook bearing in mind i've bought cooking oil in the last couple of days or so days 3ltrs for £2.98 for sunflower oil (which was the same price of vegetable oil at the time) the vegetable oil is now £3.49 for 3lts and the sunflower was £3.98
theres a little supermarket in town called lydls so i popped in there and their bottles of sunflower oil are £1.05 a lt so i bought a few of those to add to my stock. if cooking oil prices are going up like this now what are they going to be in a couple of months?