More info: Future of Watchtower

by winnower 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inkling
    Do you have a reliable source from the "inside"

    Yeah, the same source he used to predict the fall of wall street (9 days left!)

    "Inside"? Yeah, his head maybe.


  • Open mind
    Open mind


    the young bucks being groomed by Jaracz are all specially trained hatchet "yes" men.

    That's what I see in my area. The young up-and-comers are BY-THE-BOOK. No wisdom. No shreds of human kindness.


  • journey-on


    We'll see. With the new kool-aid edition of the WT, I foresee lots and lots of REAL changes. They have to prepare

    the turkeys first....baste them with a little butter....stuff them with a bit of b*llsh*t....then bake them slowly. I still think

    if the membership goes from a leak to a rupture, we will see major changes leaning toward the mainstream. You will

    always have the diehards that worship the leadership of the Society. But, if more of the r&f begin to wake up to the

    utter ridiculousness of the cult-like control over them, that major rupture might happen and when it does, corporate will already have in place

    what is needed to fix it. They will use it if they have to. Till as usual.

  • james_woods

    Of all people, I got a kind of insight on this from - Pat Buchanon - MSNBC political commentator.

    He was quoting, IIRC, late respected Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan on the so-called "Reagan Revolution" of American Conservative politics.

    The essence of it was - all movements follow a general path of three phases...

    one - the "true belief" enthusiasm phase. The movement gathers steam due to a fresh new idea, and gains first momentum. I call this the CTRussel (and maybe a little of Rutherford, if you are very generous) era for the JW.

    two - the "business gets done" phase. A bureacracy is built upon the basis of phase one, and persists for quite some time. Obviously Knorr & Franz...print those magazines, big assemblies, bigger building in Brooklyn, bigger presses, more more more...

    three - the "decline and fall" phase. The ideas that built it have become exposed as wrong, or have become outmoded. The movement no longer is relavent. It is time for the cycle to repeat with some experimental replacement. This is the new young Turks era under Jarackz...let's trim the sails, consolidate meetings, magazines, Bethel workers, service time, etc...but maintain tight control all the while.

    I think the guy had an awfully good point. No, the WTBTS is not dead yet, just like General Motors is not dead yet, but you can definately say that they are locked solidly into phase three. Hell, it took the Roman Empire a good three centuries to finally collapse after entering their decline...

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