Our good friend lost his daughter tonight. Her brother accidentally ran her over in their driveway. Hug your babies tonight. We are.
Everyone with little ones READ THIS!!
by momzcrazy 35 Replies latest jw friends
I just went and hugged my grandbabies...and my big (24yr old) baby!!
I can't imagine the pain!
Her brother accidentally ran her over in their driveway.
That's pretty much the most aweful thing I've ever heard (and I've heard real war stories).
I guess there isn't much to say about this other than feel bad about it. I'm busy doing that for ya.
My heart is just broken, Stevie didn't make it till midnight.
That is horribly sad. I am so sorry to hear about this. Life is so precious.
This is terribly sad. You say you are a friend of the family? Did you know the little girl?
When I was about four, a teenaged neighbor backed over me. I was sitting in the storm gutter at the foot of our driveway playing with a rusty tire iron in the sand. I don't know how I survived it. I wish this little girl had been as lucky as I was.
cognizant dissident
This happens more than you might think. My stepmother's brother was run over and killed in the driveway when he was 8 years old, by a boarder backing up his truck. A brother in our hall when I was a teenager backed his work van out of the driveway on a residential job he was at and didn't realize their two year old had come out of the house and crawled under his truck. She was killed and he was devastated. Some grandparents in a congregation I was recently in were walking on the sidewalk with their 8 year old grandson and he ran a few houses ahead and a car backed out of a driveway and killed him, the driver didn't see him running across the entranceway due to hedge.
Just a moment's inattention is all it takes. Such a tragedy.
Such a terrible tragedy... I am so sorry...
So sad...I know it can happen, our children are so fast that I don't always see where they dashed off to. I have to always show extra caution in my development too. We have a couple of young girls on our street that are always out playing. My thoughts are with your friend's family.