How Are You Affected By Your Witness Family Now That You're Out?

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Do you have anything to do with your JW family or "friends" anymore???

    Do THEY avoid you, now??

  • Finally-Free

    My JW mother passed away and I'm divorced from a JW. Never really had any JW friends, so there's no connection at all now.


  • minimus

    I see 2 camps of Jehovah's Witnesses when it comes to how they deal with other "inactive" Witnesses.

    Either they view them as a possible "prodigal son" or an "apostate". Either they'll be gracious or consider you thoroughly wicked for "leaving Jehovah".

  • Mulan

    my mother, my aunt and cousin all still talk to me freely.

    Brother in law and his family totally shun us.

  • jamiebowers

    Complete shunning by family and friends.

  • Champion

    Well two of my brothers are out with there families. My other brother (ms) removed as an elder and just remade ms, and wife are still staunch JOBOs as well as my Dad who is an Elder Elder(87). My mom died 7 years ago from no blood deal. My dad drives me insane because all he talks about is witness $hit. My brother and his wife see me when I invite them to a party or whatever with all my "worldly friends". They never ever invite us when they have witnesses over..Such hypocrites!! And I am really sick of it..I think I will shun them!!!

  • wings

    Not much really. I moved away....but just the thought of going back helps me understand what some here go through. I was shunned by those I cared about the most before I left, so what remains I know to be also temporary.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Well, I have two members in my family who are JW's. I was raised since I was 3. There were five kids after me. Only one is a JW. My Mom is a JW, and one brother.

    How does it affect me? It's amazing how much I have distanced myself from this religion, yet it just never stops. Most of my siblings still believe it's the truth, but they can't "devote" themselves to it because they don't want to be hypocrits. They are very adverse to me talking about the religion's faults, and say that I am a "disgruntled JW" and that's why I speak out on it. My two remaining JW family members believe I am "demonized" and won't spend the night in my house when I ask if they can watch the house for our vacation.

    It's amazing to me, in this day and scientific age, that I call up a family member to watch my house when I go on vacation, but they won't spend the night because I am "demonized." I asked how this could be, and they said because I am a "ghost hunter" . I said "Don't you think that if I felt that there was spirit activity in my house, that I would TELL YOU?" They said they don't know, but they don't want to take the chance. It's so weird to me. If there was spirit activity in my house, I'd be the first to tell about it. If the demons were out to possess me, they would have done it by now. I've been doing paranormal research for years and years, and I still have yet to have something move, shadows, ghosts, etc. in my house. That's so weird to me now, that people think that way. Before, when I was in the Witnesses, it seemed normal to think that way. Now it just seems sophomoric and childish.

    Believe me, I believe that there is energy activity out there. I was a BIG skeptic until a couple of years ago. Do I think it's demons? No. Do I think it's energy? Yes. I am not sure what it is, but I know it's not demons as the JW's portray it. I always look for logical explanations for the phenomenon I find, and I usually find it. Sometimes, there is something I can't explain, but I chalk it up to being naive about something.

    As far as holidays: we mostly really do holidays, but sometimes someone will get a conscience barb and will refuse to do the holiday thing. Then it explodes into a big mess, and we don't talk to each other for awhile. But, luckily, our family is really close, so it only last a couple months or so.

    Otherwise, it's been a non-issue. I live my life just how I have always lived it, and if they don't like it so be it.


  • Layla33

    I talk to most of my family, as if the DFd is a thing of the very distant past. Once and a great while something comes up, but we love each other very much and talk and interact like family. I have one aunt and one cousin that won't talk to me, besides a hello, but that was pretty much how we were when I was "in".

    Friends? I have been out for over 18 years, the friends I had then have moved on. Occasionally, when I am back home I may run into someone I grew up with and I have to tell you, we smile, giggle, hug and say something like "it's good to see you" and move on. If they want to speak further, I do, if not, I move on without a care in the world.

  • Seeker4

    Well, ex-wife talks to me, but wrote yesterday that our split was probably the best thing due to my involvement with apostasy.

    My JW daughter and son-in-law still talk with me. My daughter is probably more upset with me for leaving her mom than for leaving the Witnesses.

    My JW mom will talk to me and seems to be OK.

    A handful of JWs will say hi to me, others shun me. It's odd. A trip to the supermarket can be quite an emotional event for me.

    Only JWs I spend time with are the faded and exs like myself!


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