The mark of the beast

by Lady Zombie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnower

    Lady zombie, this link shows you what the mark will look like. Also the WT will eventually tell you that your baptism is your "mark" and that it has "sealed" you into the Kingdom. When the digital angel chip becomes widely used and accepted, the JWs will be encouraged to go along with the "dictates of Caeser" because that mark "means nothing" and is a security and protection for you. Do not believe this lie!

  • heathen

    That is interesting how people in the cult always have to ask permission to even buy food ,give me a break . It's pretty obvious there is a food shortage going on and if the WTBTS wants it's members to eat they will have to let them buy food in advance .What's the big deal? The WTBTS already took the mark of the beast when it associated with the UN as an NGO .IMO symbolically anyway.The UN "library card" could easily be construed as a beast worshiping mark. They even changed the supreme authority dogma back to man made government which is ruled by satan .


    Many making a horrible mistake by looking back to the times whe the understanding of the Bible was in the beginning stages and those studying the Bible who were of the true christian faith were like babes .

    We are looking for the best understanding of the Bible that is available in the present time.

    The collecting food for the end-time is so not so correct especially in our times when the Great Spiritual Tribulation ended in 1999 AD and we should have very peaceful times till the very end and the year 2011 AD is the latest best prediction for the end of the world.

    The mark of the beast 666 applies to those who are against the teachings of the remnant of 144000 class of servants and the best period was 1984 AD - 1991 AD - 1992 AD - 1999 AD.

    When we establish the periods for Christ and his 144000 servants we have two periods of 108 years each.

    3 BC - 29 AD - 36 AD - 119 AD = 108 years = 1883 AD - 1991 AD

    108 + 108 = 216 which is 6x6x6 ( "666").

    Those who oppose Jesus Christ and his bride of 144000 menservants and teach others the same incur the mark "666" upon themselves.

  • Terry


    The alphabet is used as numerals.(Instead of actually having a set of separate symbols)

    Both Hebrew and Greek lacked actual number symbols.

    The Alphabet characters = number values.

    A=1 B=2 C=3

    Same with Greek

    Same with Hebrew.

    An easy "code" could be created on the spot.

    If you wanted to refer to somebody (whose actual NAME it was dangerous to mention) you'd add up the number values of their name and use the number INSTEAD.

    The Roman Emperor who did the most to destroy the reputation of Christians (who lived quietly until then) was Nero Caesar. He had Rome burned and then BLAMED IT ON CHRISTIANS!

    Nero(n) Caesar adds up to a value of 666. (He was called Nero(n), by the way)

    In some early manuscripts a different value is given 616. Nero (alternate spelling) Caesar adds up to 616.

    Case closed!

    This Apocalyptic Book (Revelation) was never intended to apply to a FUTURE DATE (such as our time).

    That is a narcissistic conceit.

  • Finally-Free

    Obves, your mathematics is flawed. You forgot to factor in Jesus' mass times the square root of Chuckie Russell's ass divided by Freddie Franz's inseam.

    I hope this helps with your calculations in the future.


  • Rapunzel

    Since ancient times, the letters in various alphabets have been used to represent or replace numbers in a sort of code or encryption. For example, A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. This was the case in the classical world. We see a remnant of this idea in Roman numerals: i = 1; v = 5; x = 10; l = 50; c =100; d = 500; m = 1000. The Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans all shared a similar system of assigning a numeric value to letters in their respective alphabets.

    The Hebrew spelling of "Nero Caesar" [Neron Kaiser] adds up to exactly 666.

    There is a textual variant in Revelation 13:18 with the number 616, no doubt the Latin equivalent of Nero Caesar.

    As has been pointed out, there is a long and not very venerable tradition in Christianity of considering the book of Revelation as prophecy, as if it described future events. This is not the case. Whoever wrote the Apocalypse penned it with a view to people living in the first century of our common era, not the twenty-first century.

  • Rapunzel

    Terry, your term, narcissistic conceit, is an excellent one. Just as Narcissus gazed in awe and wonder at the reflection of himself in the pool of water, so it seems that every generation, living in every era after the first century C.E., has "peered into" the book of Revelations only to see itself. I suppose that this is a trait inherent to humans.

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