Have a question about the Creation vs. Evolution book..

by juni 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    Science is Satan's handmaiden- G. Losch.

    Just kidding, Bro. Losch.

    See you at Monday Night Football.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Backwoods Biology 202

    I believe that's "So what if she's your sister?"

    There's also an advanced studies section called, "Momma, come on over 'ere n tell me if'n this baby is lookin funny to ya'll?"

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    I doubt they will ever publish another book that tackles science issues, as the original Evolution book has been exposed quite properly for the ridiculous shite it truly is. This is how I came to know the truth about the Lie.

    The new book doesn't really try to tackle anything - just kind of "aren't rainbows nice, so there must be a god" drivel - but this link has good stuff on both:


  • logic&reason

    I can remember studying the Creator book a few years ago, and the Bookstudy conductor was covering the chapter where it talks about Jehovah "stretching out the stars" and admits that the Big Bang really happened.

    The conductor said something like: "Who would have thought that the universe started out small and then exploded into what we have today?" like it was big news.

    It shows how JW's ignore every bit of evidence provided by the scientific community, until the WTBS decides it's ok.

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