Is BeaNO safe for dogs???

by Low-Key Lysmith 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    activated charcoal helps. I also have cat treats (my farters are cats) with chlorophyll which seems to help quite a bit.

  • owenfieldreams

    Nope. Won't work. Their digestive system is a little different from ours. But you can probably reduce it somewhat by changing his diet.

  • Amy10606

    Hey Low-key,

    or should I say Loki? yeah, I read it. Loved it.

    Sorry about the dog farts, they can be brutal.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Hey Low-key,

    or should I say Loki? yeah, I read it. Loved it.

    American Gods is one my top favorite books of all time. Gaiman is a genius.

    Welcome to the board, by the way.


  • Amy10606

    Ever read 'Lamb' by christopher moore? If not, I highly recomend it. Thanks for the welcome.

  • brinjen

    You could always try cooking up your own dog food. I used to use this recipe...

    3kg Roo Meat

    1kg vegetables (I just bought the el cheapo frozen variety)

    1 cup of pasta

    1 cup of rice

    1 cup of rolled oats

    1 clove of garlic

    water to suit

    Cook the roo meat, add the vegetables, rice, pasta, rolled oats and around 2(?) cups of water. Simmer until the pasta and rice are cooked. Freeze in containers.

    No roo meat availible? Just substitute for pet mince or a cheap cut of lamb, beef etc.

    Dog loved it, no farting either.

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