She messaged me on YouTube about my video, really wanted to talk to me about JWs. I called her tonight and we talked about the JWs and how her husband is trying to keep her kids away from her. It's basically all the same stuff we've heard from every JW/Non-JW custody battle. There is probably some abuse happening as well, the kind of abuse the Society likes to hide. She seemed interested in the fact that in custody cases where the beliefs are brought up, the Society will sometimes provide lawyers to the JW parents. At any rate, that's all I feel I can go into at this point. Even though I don't believe in God, I don't think it would hurt for us to invoke whatever God/spirit/force we might believe in to help this woman get her kids out of the clutches of the cult.
Talked to a woman about her custody battle tonight
by B_Deserter 3 Replies latest jw experiences
I am new father and I have put off discussing with my JW wife what the WTS/GB/lawyers/top level policy makers... ATTEMPT to hide from the R&F and the general public... until today, concerning who allocates the donation funds and for what purpose. Simply - If I donate $1 at a convention, how do I know what that $$$ is being used for? I talked about the 2007 out of court settlements and she had no clue as to the validity of what I was saying. Skepticism - I love it! because she agreed to look at some information on the court cases so she can check the sources and comment more intelligently. It is an uncomfortable topic for me, and anyone I would think, to talk about. As a responsible adult with a conscience, I feel duty bound to talk about it and keep talking about it. My wife reflexively said something to the effect of - one must trust in what Jehovah is doing through the WTS. I am confident in her ability to recognize truth when it is made available to her. Best and warmest feelings to the woman and her child... I'm not clear if the husband is suspected of the abuse or if any possible abuse is going on while the child is in his custody by someone else?
I went through a custody battle with a JW that's part of the reason I am pre-law now. No attorney's are going to know the buttons to push like someone who's been there. Plus most attorney's and Judges are rermiss to make an issue out of religious issues which the government tries not to legislate.
I don't think there are any spirits out there to rescue us from this, we have to rescue ourselves.
My lawyer has been wonderful in my custody case. There is a packet that is used by the JW lawyers that details the strategies used to hide the cult-like behavior of JWs. She can order this packet here . My lawyer gave a copy to the judge so he could see the manipulative way they work. My lawyer also is willing to help other lawyers in their fights against JWs in custody fights. Email me for his name and phone number if you want to pass it on.