Great picture. I love "Papa Rutherford" looking down from heaven......
1925 BETH-SARIM.....
by Quentin 31 Replies latest jw friends
dear Quentin...
...I'd like to see the "prince of greece" with the "clouds"......instead of in the water with seaweed wrapped around his head...(c/f Jonah 2:3-5)
love michelle
Cool, but where's the Caddillac?
Expanded version
Not sure which of the three would look best on a T-shirt, comments...
Great job Quentin- it's just that I keep seeing visions of the"King", Elvis Presely behind the wheel of that caddy, with Marilyn Monroe and James Dean along for the ride, heh, heh.
Homerovah the Almighty
Good job Quentin in showing how much of a nut case that guy really was.
The unfortunate fact is the majority of JWS do not know and they need to.
in showing how much of a nut case that guy really was.
The unfortunate fact is the majority of JWS do not know and they need to
I parents became jw's in 1952...we, as a family, were not that far removed from the Rutherford years, nor Russell for that matter. There were oldtimers in the kh that did street witnessing, used the phonograph in door to door work...some talked about being arested, spending the night in jail.
There was one oldtimer jw, wish I could remember his name, who talked about Rutherford's "cane boys" and even told about Beth-Sarim...why it was built and how the Judge took up resedence there...
I don't recall the term "new light" being bandied about much, it was always "we had a different understanding then" the "understanding has changed", we "have a clearer knowledge now" or words to that effect.
Here's the thing Homer, most of the oldtime jw's were well aware of the bizzar, goofy teachings of Rutherford. They knew about Beth-Sarim and his Al Capone style caddillac, cigars he smoked, bodyguards he had, who always carried canes, and some of who even went armed, or so it was said. That oldtime jw would laugh about those things, as he related some of his stories. The old time jw's lived the Rutherford years, some even the Russell years. They were an elite class among the then younger generation of jw's.
Why did , lets call him Joe, continue to follow the watchtower, even though Rutherford was defrocked as it were? How could so many know the truth about the leadership and stay loyal? Because, in my opinon, they were loyal to the idealogy of the watchtower, not the leaders.
You are right, jw's need to know the "truth about the truth". It's the same today as yesterday, The J's cling to the idea of watctower doctrin. wt leaders can do anything and get away with on that basis. It is important to expose the leadership for what they are. It's a reason I enjoy doing my wt artwork. It goes hand in glove with the most important thing that must be done. Dismantle and discredit watchtower idealogy. Hard to do with jw's. We have to start somewhere, use whatever we can to open their minds. Plant seeds. I hope my image, that any lurker sees will create a gestault in them that will cause them to see the wt for what it is, a goofy bizzar belife system.
Homerovah the Almighty
True Quentin I think pictures speak louder than words and in this case they are indeed needed.
The very notion that God would use a cigar smoking alcoholic elite liar like Rutherford, who drove around in Cadillacs and wore the best tailored suits
and was always accompanied by beautiful woman that were not his wife is preposterous and insane.
God's chosen one direct by his holly spirit, hardly ..........a corrupt power playing opportunist obviously
: The very notion that God would use a cigar smoking alcoholic elite liar like Rutherford, who drove around in Cadillacs and wore the best tailored suits and was always accompanied by beautiful woman that were not his wife is preposterous and insane.
Why? God used a drunken pedophile named "Lot" and a dunken naked idiot named "Noah" and an adulterous murderer named "David" and a genocidal maniac named "Moses" and a delusional drug fiend named "John the Revelator" and an ear-whacking liar named "Peter' and a traitor and disbeliever named "Thomas" and a homo, wife-hating troublemaker named "Paul" and an idol-worshiping LOSER named "Aaron" and a wannabe kid killer named "Abraham", to name a few. God likes bad guys, so Da Judge fits in nicely. In fact, compared to those I just mentioned, he was a "good guy."