This was discussed here earlier. Prosecutors now say this Californian JW murdered his wife for insurance money. Man had taken out life insurance policies on his wife totalling more than $1 million, and investigators believe he set up the crime scene to make it look like a burglary. If convicted he could be sentenced to death or life in prison. Earlier news:
JW murdered his wife for insurance money
by Aaac 13 Replies latest jw friends
That is just terrible. What is happening with the JW"s these days.
Was it the WBTS that made him feel that everything in is full of doom and gloomand the guy just snapped ? How sad this is .
I guess JWs now say he was not a "real JW" after all...
Witness 007
This guy was so lame!...........first he gets an Insurance policy on her {dumb} then sent the kids to there grandparents house {dumb ass} then kills her and tries to make it look like a break in....while poping down the shop for some milk!!!??? Has he ever watched CSI on T.V....police are not that dumb!
- Cops: Murrieta Man Killed His Wife For Insurance $
MURRIETA Prosecutors say a Murrieta man murdered his wife for $1 million in insurance money.
Kelle Lee Jarka, 39, is behind bars after being arrested Thursday, according to police and prosecutors.
He is accused of killing Isabelle Jarka, 40, April 28 in the bedroom of the couple's home in the 39000 block of Tamarisk St., said Murrieta police Lt. Dennis Vrooman.
She had suffered head trauma, Vrooman said.
Weeks before his wife's death, Jarka had taken out life insurance policies on her totaling more than $1 million, and investigators believe he set up the crime scene to make it look like a burglary.
Following a nearly month-long investigation, Jarka was arrested Thursday by detectives as he sat in Family Court, waiting for a custody hearing to get his children back, Vrooman said.
The children -- a 12-year-old girl and a 7-month-old boy -- had been
staying with relatives, he said.
Jarka will be charged with murder and a sentence-enhancing special circumstance allegation of murder for financial gain.
If convicted he could be sentenced to death or life in prison, said Ryan Hightower of the District Attorney's Office.
Prosecutors say Jarka murdered his wife and then staged the crime scene to look like a robbery. The day Isabelle Jarka died, her husband told police he had gone out early that morning to buy some things and when he returned he found the side door to the garage forced open and his wife dead upstairs.
Jarka's initial call to emergency dispatch was to report a burglary, and he waited 26 seconds before revealing his wife may have been murdered, Vrooman said.
During the police investigation, Jarka told officers he had gone to pick up baby formula, even though there was plenty of formula in the house, and his other statements were inconsistent with evidence collected at the scene, Vrooman said.
The couple's children had spent the night before at their grandparents' home across the street.
The Jarkas belonged to a Jehovah's Witnesses congregation, and neighbors said they pretty much kept to themselves, except when Isabelle joined others in her congregation to knock on neighborhood doors.
Jarka is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday at the Murrieta Courthouse.(© 2008 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Wire services contributed to this report.)
He might have went to the kingdumb hall. He might have been baptized.
But he wasnt a Jehovahs Witness.
Wait a minute is this the guy that went out to get coffee and diapers and came back to find his wife dead?
Yes, Loosie, the same guy.
When the first article was printed someone here on the board said it sounds fishy. I guess they were right. How sad.