???Do you spank your kids???

by Princess Daisy Boo 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Tell me how you feel about spanking your kids - be honest now!!!

    Have you ever, and under what circumstances?

    What other methods of discipline do you use?

    I have had this debate often with different people and I am curious to know your thoughts...

    Fire away

  • oldflame

    No I don't because they are bigger than me know and can beat me up LOL

    But when they were young children yes I did spank them , I was spanked when I messed up and it has not done any damage to me and it has not damaged my children either. This is what is wrong with our children today. The government has decided to be the controller of our children and the parents no longer have any rights over our children.

    I do not think there is absolutely nothing wrong in spanking, now beating our children is wrong and there is a difference.

  • hillbilly

    But when they were young children yes I did spank them , I was spanked when I messed up and it has not done any damage to me and it has not damaged my children either. This is what is wrong with our children today. The government has decided to be the controller of our children and the parents no longer have any rights over our children.



  • IP_SEC

    I dont have kids but I wouldnt have a problem paddling a little butt if it was needed. I think talking first is the best first resort. Spanking is a kind of last resort for kids that disobey a direct order for no good reason.

  • milligal

    My older son would cry if I yelled at him or even talked sternly, he didn't need a spank. My younger son.....let's just say I never believed in putting children on leashes before I had him. He's a little wild man and when I do spank it's not whipping or paddling, it's a smack on his pull-up, noisy and abrupt. I have to get his attention sometimes because he acts out many dangerous behaviors, or some days I just can't get through to him that I'm serious.

    My opinion of 'spanking' however you want to define it (short of beating of course) is that the end goal is to reach your child, help them understand that you really need them to hear you, and listen to you. If this form of discipline is used as an outlet for anger-THEN I think it's wrong.

  • sweetface2233

    My parents spanked me ALL the time...and I freakin' deserved every one of them. I was a brat! I never felt physically abused by either one of them. I don't have children, but there are times when I swat my cat's behind when she jumps up on a table or counter. (disgusting!)

  • chickpea

    never!! (for a first offense )

    if we were going over the same ground over and over and over.... strike 3 was a whuppin...... which entailed a wooden cooking spoon, in the bathroom (for privacy, because i believe that punishment, as opposed to discipline, was a private matter between me and the offender).... usually it was one or two "whacks" on the fully clothed rump ...... cooperation usually meant one.... making a fuss got ya 2

    unlike my upbringing, which included being beaten with a riding crop by an alcoholic mother, i was determined to use a measured, considered display of intention..... it was never out of control

  • babygirl75

    I do spank if needed. Not to brag, but my son is so well behaved, I actually can't remember the last time he had to have a spanking!

    I think that is the problem with most kids these days; their parents don't discipline them and then they get so out of control the parents don't know what to do. Then they piss & moan about why their kids are such brats, end up in Juvi, or jail.

  • ninja

    I like to be imaginitive with the kids punishment.....last time....I duct taped them on the floor next to the guinea pig cage....painted their heads green like a lettuce...and set killer,satan and megadeth (the guinea pigs)on them......not a nice punishment....nibbled to death by guinea pig......the squeaking was horrific....but I think the kids learned a lesson.....muhahahahahahah......ninja

  • Gill

    What for?

    There are far more cruel forms of punishment!

    Chopping off playstation plugs!

    Not putting the password into the computer so that they cannot use it for as long as I choose.

    Disconnecting everthing electrical they own!

    'Losing' their favourite games!

    These are my favourites and they NEVER cease to work and I don't have to hit anyone!!!!


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