Mom is gone

by Katheryn 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Welcome Kat!

  • arwen

    My deepest sympathy to you. I lost my mom too. I miss her everyday. She was not a JW but she put up with me getting into it and respected my decisions. I only wish she were here not to see my OUT!! I have not doubt you will see her again in a better place. And you will see a part of her in your new grandchild! x0

  • searchingforfriends

    I'm sorry to hear about your mom Katheryn, we are here if you need to talk.

    On your other news, congrats on your new grandbaby.

  • Blueblades

    We grieve with you.Grief is normal and the passing of time does not always lessing the blow. My mom died in my arms some 30 years ago and I can never get through this.

    All the best with your grandchild.


  • MsMcDucket

    I'm sorry to hear about the lost of your mother. I went off the deep end when my Mom died. Her death was so unexpected. Well, what led up to her death was unexpected. I didn't think that I would trip so hard over it. But, it has been very hard. So many questions that went unanswered, so many things that we didn't say, so many times that I didn't go to see her...

    My mother wasn't a Jehovah's Witness; but just the same, she died waiting for the Great Tribulation. Where all the saints would be swept up into heaven and God would rain down fire and brimstone on the unbelieving ones. She also believe in the literal words of the bible where there would be "strange creatures with stingers"... I just hope that she's resting in peace.

    I hope that you will fare better than I have.

  • UnConfused

    I'm sorry for you.

  • jaguarbass

    On a positive note, some people would suggest that your mother is in your daughters womb.

  • Casper

    I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother...

    On the other hand, Congrats. on the news of your Grandchild.



  • hillbilly

    sorry for your loss..


  • shamus100
    I would rather be dead forever than spend any time with a group of people who think this "hope" of theirs is a good thing.

    Well said.

    I am very sorry for your loss.

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