Here is a scan of the chapter on Do You Value Life As God Does?
New book: Keep Yourselves In God's Love: Chapter and appendix on blood
by truthseeker 50 Replies latest jw friends
The speculation that they might be dropping the infamous blood doctrine has just gone out the window! Paragraph 10 is very clear, blood transfusions are still out.
I am really surprised! I did think they would slowly let the doctrine die out with time. They are digging their heals in on this one!!
Thanks for the scans.
They may be digging in their heals about whole blood, but they do make a strong comment about a persons conscience allowing fractions. Since almost all transfusions are fractions, they are legally letting themselves off the hook. -
keyser soze
I like when they point out that many in the medical field view bloodless surgery as the "gold standard", without giving even one example or quote from these so-called experts. If this were really true, and they had this information at their disposal, they would've done so freely.
Awakened at Gilead
I like the point that Plasma is 90% water. This means that JWs should reject water since it is a component of blood.
No more water for me, I don't want to become bloodguilty, lol.
like the point that Plasma is 90% water.
So does that mean wine is out too???!!!!
This just goes to show how daft they are . Thanks for the post truthseeker.
Regards david
So, in essence, God-the-great-destroyer-at-the-oh-so-closer-than-ever-Big-A says don't take blood, and we-as-the-almighty-mouthpiece-of-God say don't take blood, (and if you suggest otherwise you satanic-lying-apostate-heathen, we'll kick you out and destroy your family), but be subliminally advised, that if it might lead to us putting our money where our mouth is, it was your conscience, not ours that is ultimately responsible before God, so ya know, take blood.
Interesting! Why don't ya rip the whole thing and toss it over in a pdf? I'd like to read it all.
They seem to be clear on donating blood- don't do it.----but they are happy to accept the fractions from the blood donated by evil worldly people.
choosing life
This was the craziness that made me furious at the powers that be in the WBTS. How on earth can you say you don't take plasma, WBCs, RBCs or platelets and then turn around and say you can take any fraction of these same things. Also, they don't donate or store blood, but they gladly suck it up in these "fractions" from other's stored blood.
Then they trump it all by dumping the decision on the individual to try to prevent any legal ramifications. I wait eagerly for the day that they are forced to take resonsibility for their twisted deceptions perpetrated upon innocent victims.