Yes folks, if you thought the Watchtower would lighten up on birthdays think again...
Keep Yourselves In God's Love: Why Birthdays are from the Devil
by truthseeker 35 Replies latest jw friends
pppffffffft! This is such flimsy reasoning! A lot of things had "pagan origins" such as wedding rings, hearts, and our modern calendar is based on Pagan practices, astrology and mythology (just to name a few). Yet the dubs pick and choose which ones they'll allow.
Their arrogance is too much to stomach!!! The title of the chapter is Celebrations That Displease GOD. As is if they could ever know God's thoughts on a matter that God or Jesus never made an issue of in the scriptuers! They are crazy, simply crazy! I can't wait to finally leave and NEVER look back!
Atheists celebrate birthdays - on what basis do they base this celebration on since they don't acknowledge god or gods for that matter.
A birthday is the passing of 365 days since your last birthday - it is a useful measure of time.
You can get married at 16 have your first drink at 21. You're considered an adult at 30.
A birthday is a linear measure or unit of time.
As for the other two birthdays in the Bible, God personally involved himself in Pharaoh's birthday by giving dreams to the baker and cupbearer and having his servant Joseph interpret them. Why would God give the baker a dream involving his death on Pharaoh's birthday?
Or if God didn't give these two men their dreams, why did he allow Joseph to interpret them?
Incidentally, God could have saved the Apostle John, but he didn't - he did save Paul on many occasions and freed Peter from jail.
Thank you truthseeker for sharing the new book.
Is this a replacement for another study aid? Is it a beginning bible study book?
(Boy do I feel "out of it" now. I guess that's a good thing.)
Awakened at Gilead
Since they quoted from the Lore of Birthdays, I'd like to know which holidays "warm the heart". Perhaps JWs can now celebrate other heartwarming holidays now?
Pick and choose what to make JWs believe, that's the ticket...
BTW, my neice's B-day is tomorrow, which I will attend (my first B-day celebration!). I hope the devil doesn't get me then, I have to go back to work on Tuesday...
It is almost certainly another study book - sort of like a life manual for Jehovah's Witnesses. It deals with everything, recreation, school, jobs, blood, etc etc.
I will post more later.
You're so right truthseeker. It's just an anniversary of someone being born for goodness sake! I simply love how they present Satanism and birthdays in the box. Lovely. I wanna be just like a Satanist. Thanks WTS for your continuous propaganda.
It is almost certainly another study book - sort of like a life manual for Jehovah's Witnesses. It deals with everything, recreation, school, jobs, blood, etc etc.
Yippee! I can go back now that they have a book that tells me how to do it all!
(sarcasm off)
Now Now .....
Did you all think the clamp down was over?
The easing of personal bondage won't happen for few more years........they aren't losing that level of money ...YET
The beatings will be daily, hourly if needed until Bro Ted is no longer a man to be reckoned