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Help - Ask Newspapers To Report On Lawrence Hughes's Hearing This Week
by AndersonsInfo 53 Replies latest watchtower medical
Any news from last week's court seesions?
I get this Emerson email most days. He reports that he phoned Lawrence following this last hearing. Extremely compelling was a pair of last minute affadavits that were admitted. They were from two members of the Watchtower legal team (I'm guessing former members) who stated where Watchtower had been dishonest in prior trials.
The judge set the next date as June 20 to give him time to review the affadavits.
That's my take from memory so please forgive if I've botched certain facts. I now wish I hadn't deleted the email.
I now wish I hadn't deleted the email.
FFS Len - you are a real asset to the board - get a gmail account or something.
Here is an email I received with regard to this matter this yesterday:
As many know Lawrence was in court including this just past Friday in Calgary and he relates the following in this paraphrase and condensing of my phone conversation with him this Saturday night:
"Uh, how'd it go in court for you, Lawrence?"
"On the other side of the courtroom in opposition were five Watchtower attorneys, my ex-wife, my other two daughters, and my former brother-in-law.
At the last second two persons who used to work for Watchtower Society legal had provided me with affidavits. I quickly read the more explosive key revelations in those affidavits which told about Watchtower's deliberately lying for decades to the court. My reading out of parts of the two affidavits was recorded into the public record and so those parts are there right now for anyone else to also see them.
I could see the Judge sitting sideways with his hand to his chin listening closely to everything I was reading. The faces of my ex and the others on that side of the room went sick. The Judge accepted the affidavits as exhibits.
On June 20 there should be a decision. One of the two writers of the affidavits was a long-time worker, over two decades, in not only Canada's legal branch for the Watchtower Society but also in Brooklyn. Watchtower knows who they are and their names are mud now to Watchtower.
"Wow! They're sure heroes for the rest of us!"
"Yes, they are. I also believe there will not only be coverage of this from papers in Canada and Maclean's which is Canada's number one long-time news magazine, around something like 50 years, but probably global news.
Right now those in the ExJWs&Friends community who have had personal experiences concerning the blood issue can be writing or re-writing those as what they write may be going into news articles after the decision is rendered. They would be another line of news in their own right. So, please be asking people to be getting them ready for use on or shortly after June 20."
"Were reporters from the two Calgary papers there?"
"No, they'll be present for the big decision day on June 20 th. That's when it's going to be covered. I'll be sure to give other information to you."
"We're a community and the more knowledge out into our community the more powerfully we can help people. Having had a heartattack, I'd also like to know whatever you may be sending me later gets to the community for sure. Not even if I were to die would it not get out there. So, could you share it with others like Jonathan of Quebec and Dee in Nova Scotia? We're all autonomous but we work together increasingly as a networking community of Friends."
"Yes, you're right and I definitely will. I'll include Barbara Anderson and Randy Watters."
"You want people to know all this? You're not concerned Watchtower or their fanatical supporters like pedophiles would know? Also, I could tell you a lot of personal anecdotes and those of others; and we even hear of attorneys in the U.S. having expressed concern trial information and other important information might get spied on, wiretapped and the like."
"I know, for example here in Canada we have what are called Spy Stores where people can just walk in and buy devises to listen in from a distance. But if something like that happens, it won't do them any good. You know, the Watchtower knows I'm coming for them."
"Also, Lawrence, I bet you're worn out. I had thought I'd wait a bit until calling you up this evening."
"I've had to focus so much on preparing for court. It takes a lot out of me. I have to block things out and put the focus where it's needed. I really appreciate you're answering people for me as it takes a lot of the load off."
"Let's see, Lawrence. You're in architecture field, work-wise, I mean, right?"
"Yes. I write to specifications."
"Lawrence, I know you're tired, so I'm thinking I need to let you get some more rest. Thanks for doing so much on behalf of all of us. This is really great."
"Thanks, you have a good day. Take care."
"You too, Lawrence."
To see some past photos of what Lawrence Hughes looks like in person click:
To see Calgary, location of this historical, highly important lawsuit that could save untold numbers of people from wrongfully bleeding to death, click here:
Maybe someone should write and ask journalist
[email protected] to correct Law professor Linda Smith who mis-stated (according to the journalist) that "in the past there were several cases in different states where parents refused blood transfusions to save their child's life." There not only have been but still are countless such cases among JWs in the fifty different states. See the article in full that Danny sent for us at STATISTICS: users come from these countries:
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Mary Aguilar welcomes contact with others who would like to either informational picket or place leaflets at doors lovingly informing the Public the "Truth" about the Watchtower Society over Jehovah's Witnesses.
Farther below for Mary and others are items any ExJWs and Friends are welcome to use. These particular ones cover the topics of Watchtower's disfellowshipping/shunning, Watchtower spreading of false predictions and fear re Armageddon, the blood issue and the pedophile crisis brought forth by Silentlambs. There's also an extremely handy leaflet/tract that's in Spanish as well as English.
If you don't agree with some, you can just lay those aside and use only the rest. They are produced by the christianwitnesses online fellowship for persons of diverse but mostly Christian beliefs including many who are also exJWs. It's not another religious organization, but a fellowship or spiritual friendship group. You may leave the leaflets anywhere (in library books, in restrooms, etc).
One friend plans to leave them in doors in New England or with people who come to the doors. If stopped by an officer of the law she can note that her activity is protected by freedom of religion and freedom of expression. The leaflets also promote the nonprofit charity Silentlambs, telling reading where to send donations to help Silentlambs. PO Box 311, Calvert City, KY 42029. U.S. citizens can claim donations sent to Silentlambs as a charitable tax write-off and I know for a fact that right now it's in need of anything you can send. I'm not sure if that works for citzens of Canada or the U.K. but even if not it's still a super great cause and as said it is in need.
Thanks FF and MG!
Sounds like good news. Evidently there are some guys in Watchtower's legal dept. who do have a conscience.
I was one of the people who provided a last minute affidavit.
I want nothing to do with the Jah Christian movement or their website. I would hope they would respect my wishes by not providing my name or copies of the affidavit on their site.
I only helped Lawrence due to the fight against dishonesty not in support of the Jah Christian movement.
Bravo Uzzah!
What is Jah Christian movement??
*sticky note*