some quirks of the DC talks...

by metaspy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7
    Most of those who leave the organization, leave because of conduct, not doctrine

    I would not be surprised if that was technically true if you define 'leave' as getting DF'd. It is possible that most who are DF'd are because of conduct. From my experience, many of these people return.

    However, those who truly leave and don't return, do so because of doctrinal issues.

  • Robert7

    Here's another thought. If you define the reason 'leaving' as the reason getting DF'd, then I bet most are due to action. Apostacy is an action. DA yourself is an action. Accepting a blood transfusion is an action. Speaking against the Organization is an action. I bet this is all symantecs.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Skillfully Weilding the sword of the spirit ....
    The illustration: A critic of a play was misquoted by the theater as saying "Go and see this play!", when in reality, he had said "If you like trivialities and boredom, go and see this play!"
    He was totally taken out of context (much like what the bOrg does). But the speaker said that is what apostates do to the society.

    That is rich. Awakened @ Gilead showed me a point in the book, SIGN OF THE LAST DAYS,
    where a magazine quotes AWAKE's ridiculous statements about earthquakes. From then on,
    the WT literature started quoting the magazine's quote of AWAKE as a reputable source that
    agrees with WT teachings. So WT literature was (accurately, granted) quoting a quote of
    their own words, making it seem as if the reputable source was saying the opposite of what
    they were actually saying.

    I have seen this demonstrated in a WT article on higher education. The WT quotes experts
    on how an Ivy-League education is a waist of money. All the quotes were taken out of context
    and really were making totally different points.

    The Trinity Brochure is the King of twisting quotes. Can't recap it shortly in this space.

    Here's a reason a fader like myself can't go to the DC. I would have had to stand up and
    say, "WT is the pot calling the kettle black. They are the experts at out-of-context quotes."

    Keep yourselves in God's Love .....
    Then he said, "Most of those who leave the organization, leave because of conduct, not doctrine."

    "Just keep saying it. Most of the members will believe it. Just keep saying it."
    It helps that WT defines most normal things that people do as "sin."

    24 baptised - ages 8 to 60

    That sounds pretty high for a DC, but upon further thought I bet the district lost more than
    24 to death and DF and walk-aways. When I first came in to the religion, there was virtually
    always more than 35 at every single DC getting baptized. At my bapt., they clearly topped 50.

    "Keep in God's Love" to be used as second book when studying with others, and will be studied as a congregation in Feb 2009.

    The book is totally meant for retention. It will seal the deal for any newbies still under the spell.
    It will be used to apply guilt to members at the new in-house bookstudy arrangement.

    Thanks for the notes. Were you asleep on Friday or did you take the day "off."

  • Borgia
    Symposium: Empowered by Holy Spirit The speaker made an interesting finger pointing statement: "If you could kick the backside of the person responsible for each of your problems. You wouldn't be able to sit for a month." Nothing like saying, "you bring it on yourself brothers".

    I like that one. Turn it around and you get: If you could praise the person responsible for each of your successes, you would be celebrating for a month.

    So much for EMPOWERMENT by holy spirit.



  • Borgia
    Bible Writers Borne Along by Holy Spirit Speaker noted that the Bible is never wrong, anything wrong done by bOrg was because of imperfect men. He said: You never hear some one say "I followed the bible's advice and that was a disaster". Notice he did not say that about the society's writings. He followed it up with "The Bible is the only book to survive attempts to destroy it." I don't know if I believe that. I think there have been a couple books in history that have survived attacks.

    And rightly so. Maybe a manuscript may have been burnt here and there of the bible to prevent people from reading it, but, the funny thing is....In the kingdom of Valencia in 1478 a bible has been written by a catholic monk called Bonafaci Ferrer in the Valencian language. So, although from a protestant point of view, the bible may have been an opposed book, the RCC has done its share in ascertaining its survival (and even making it available to the public)

    Opposed to that are other books, like the ones contained in the Nag Hammadi library. The Christian churches have gone to great lengths to destroy books. (The bible even contains examples of it). But so have the Nazi's and others.

    Here's in interesting article about prosecuted books and its survival.



  • WTWizard

    Do you really need to be taught by Jehovah, let alone the Washtowel Slaveholdery, what is "goodness"? I think most people know when something they volitionally do is good or bad for self or society. And, to me, that is all that really counts.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thank you very much for the preview metaspy.

    You wouldn't happen to have any specific quotes on how they came down on education during the drama would you?

    It would be nice if I could do a little "prep work" beforehand.


  • MissingLink

    What is the setting of the drama. Did they take a bible story and re-write it as usual?

  • Farkel

    That sounds like the same program that was used in DCs in the early 1970's.

    Along the same lines, our own Shelby Johnson (AGuest) personally told me that a Governing Body member in the early 1990's told her the Society used recycled articles from the 1970's almost exclusively in the current WT magazines. There weren't any wackos around to replace Freddie Franz, so the society became stuck in a time warp.

    Same shit. Different decade.


  • metaspy
    What is the setting of the drama. Did they take a bible story and re-write it as usual?

    [DING DING DING] We have a winner.
    spoiler alert:(lol)
    The Drama is about the Apostle John coming back to one of the congregations after writing Revelation.
    The congregation is having problems with an apostate elder, who is pushing for higher education, working/materialism, and entertainment.
    John has some words with the apostate toward the end. Then the apostate shows himself to be an idol maker.

    there are other little side stories that go on.
    One of which is this 19 year old sister who goes to another city and ends up watching a brother she likes get eaten by lions.

    The whole thing is backed up by the flatulence of the GB.

    You wouldn't happen to have any specific quotes on how they came down on education during the drama would you?

    Unfortunately no. I can get a hold of it though. An elder in a congregation I used to go to records the whole thing. I could get a copy from him. How soon do you need it?

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