Although he doesn't act like it, Minimus is the most intelligent of any poster here. Period.
Intelligent People on this Forum
by BenV 47 Replies latest jw friends
The most intelligent person on this board is Obves. I'm always astonished by his comprehension of chronology and mathematics.
Someone had a thread about "smart people" in their congregations.
Welcome to the forum Ben. A little
brown-nosingcredit goes a long way in keeping the uber-intelligent posters on your side.What about those INTELLIGENT JW's? Did you have any in your cong'? Not 'someone', NIC'!
My Honorable mention goes to Terry. Very insightful.
But the King of all intelligence is Jehovah, Satan, and Jesus They will kick your ass, smash you in the face and after its all over ppl still wonder if they exist or not. Thanks for all the posts Jehovah.!
Now that was intelligent.
Leo - Blondie - Nark
The Wholly Trinitied people, they don't claim to be super clever - but they can definitely find the information they need. Clever people have good memories.
Funky D, Abaddon, and others who have a razor sharp ability to dissect an issue and argue from what is in front of them.
Mouthy - a very deep wisdom, she is not a scholarly type, but her experience of life and the Witlesses enables her to reach out and love even the unlovable. Truly a Christian if ever you saw one.
And not to miss out JCanon - the brain that can hold all that information, and whizz it into a theology is awesome. A match for Charles Taze in anybody's books.
We are mixing with the creme de la creme.
FARKEL is the most intelligent.
Leolaia and Narkissos are close second
Yes Funky Derek is scarily precise...very intelligent
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
BenV is smart.
And don't you just love Funky D's tongue in his Avatar??