I, like many here, have searchable PDF files of older Watchtower magazines.
The Russell series, 1879-1916, which is available free to download from Freeminds.
The other years, 1920 thru 1949 Watchtowers in three sets (available for $30 each online). For speedier performance, I've copied these to my hard drive.
All well and good. However, searching for something on any of these is very slow and crude. Anyone who is used to Google advanced searches knows what I'm talking about.
For example, when inside a PDF file you can enter a search string, then sit back and wait, and wait. Let's say you want to search for articles by Russell which speak of whether he taught resurrection for the ancient Sodomites. Using the PDF file, one way is to search for the string "sodom". At each hit, you visually search the context of that mention and whether or not Russell was talking about their destiny or something else. Very laborious. It takes several hours for a single string search if you proceed through the entire file this way.
Using, however, a top notch search engine, like Google (on the internet) -- or even the Watchtower CD Library (on your local computer) -- you enter sodom* resurrect* in the search field and you don't have to wait long. [sodom* finds sodom, sodomite, sodomites, etc.; resurrect* finds resurrect, resurrects, resurrection, resurrections, resurrected, etc.] Chances are good that each hit will yield a fairly good article.
Note that you're no longer limited to a single search string. In the above example I've used two strings. There are far more features than that which advanced search capabilities allow.
What's my point? It's that I would like to do smart searches on these PDFs but don't know how to do them. If technology (especially free) exists I would like to know it and there are others who'd like that as well.
What's available? Google Desktop, for one, is free for the download. After installation, GD goes through your hard drive, perhaps taking days to build its index file(s). When finished, GD then allows you intelligent searches that return results nearly instantly. However, the files cannot be larger than 10,000 words. It scans large files but just doesn't go deeper into them, beyond its stated limit. It also has limited success with files of PDF format.
There are some conversion programs, PDF to plain text. The one I downloaded yielded terrible results on the sample file I used -- most large words were bro ken in to syl la bles.
That still doesn't solve the size problem as our Watchtower files are some 50 Mbtes or larger.
There are indexing programs other than Google Desktop out there. There may be other techniques. Perhaps you've found one that can help. If so, please share what you know.
Len Miller
http://elfurl.com/x8byd |