I opened another thread with a similar title and thought it was going to be a discussion about belief in God but it wasn't. So I started my own.
Although I'm not sure of much at the moment (since I had my beliefs whipped out from under me like the floor under my feet) I feel fairly certain about one thing. There is evidence of intelligent design and beauty in the universe and I don't logically think this is accidental. I'm not sure who or what and I think "God" is a construct of religion which is unhelpful.
Since I became free mentally I am so much in awe of the beauty of the world around us. I feel like a young child discovering the world for the first time. I also feel an incredibly strong desire to read, read and read more. I want to learn, with a different perspective. It's exciting and scary at the same time. Sorry this turned into an incoherent ramble but I thought I'd share.