I believe in a higher being

by Mickey mouse 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I opened another thread with a similar title and thought it was going to be a discussion about belief in God but it wasn't. So I started my own.

    Although I'm not sure of much at the moment (since I had my beliefs whipped out from under me like the floor under my feet) I feel fairly certain about one thing. There is evidence of intelligent design and beauty in the universe and I don't logically think this is accidental. I'm not sure who or what and I think "God" is a construct of religion which is unhelpful.

    Since I became free mentally I am so much in awe of the beauty of the world around us. I feel like a young child discovering the world for the first time. I also feel an incredibly strong desire to read, read and read more. I want to learn, with a different perspective. It's exciting and scary at the same time. Sorry this turned into an incoherent ramble but I thought I'd share.


  • RR

    I agree Mickey, while I have lost faith in religion, I still have my beliefs intact and those beliefs include a creator of all things!


  • jaguarbass

    I hope there is a higer being.

  • digderidoo

    I feel similar to you Mickey, i want to read and read. I feel there must be something out there. There is so much beauty in this world for it all to come about by chance.


  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman


    I 100% totally agree with what you say. The evidence is there "if people want to see it".

    What the master plan is for mankind and the universe we will just need to be patient.

  • Mariusuk.

    A "higher being" has so be godlike and separate from the universe otherwise it is just an alien.

  • Prov1320

    All intesting perspectives...

    I too, believe that there *must* be a higher being, a god, if you will. Now, I know there are many of you out there who's faith has been completely shattered and are either agnostics or full blown atheists. And you are fully entitled to your opinion.

    But as the comments above, as I too observe the world I have come to the conclusion that we just could not have arrived here by accident. There is too much evidence of intelligent design.

    Not only that, but there is way too much evidence against evolution. I have studied the subject very much indepth (no, not by reading the "creation" book), and analysed both sides.

    An excellent web site to visit which is completely "religion-free" is:


    There is a wealth of information here.

    What I am convinced, however, is that organized religion does not have the answers, and there is no one out there that does. I can only maintain faith that God (or much higher being(s)) exists and that someday, somehow we may find out what the grand purpose is.

  • Aleman

    The books I have read that got my faith stronger are; the book of Enoch, The book of the watchers, and The book of giants. It basicaly explains how things worked in that period of time when Enoch was around. You never see this in the Bible, only a short version of it. but it is totaly cannon to the bible. Not everything is factual, since much had been changed by preists and clergymen, but most of it is cannon to the Bible.


  • PrimateDave
    An excellent web site to visit which is completely "religion-free" is:


    There is a wealth of information here.

    A very funny link, indeed! I needed a laugh! I found about as much "science" there as the average Awake! magazine only not as well written. Here is a good link that about sums it up: Straw Man Fallacy.

    Have a nice day!


    Edit: People can and do believe in God and accept the Theory of Evolution. Belief in a higher being doesn't mean belonging to a Fundamentalist Christian sect or even believing in the Bible, although, of course, it does for many people.

  • logic&reason

    You might want to check out www.scienceagainstheliocentrism.com...

    For years I believed that those crazy scientists were right about the solar system, but now I realize that the sun really did stand still for Joshua.

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