Synopsis of the new Young People Ask sequel?

by Mickey mouse 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Since the conventions have started now has anyone seen the new YPA book?

    Thinking back the first one was released 20 years ago so I guess the new one will mostly be about the evils of the internet!


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


  • MissingLink

    We'll probably get the PDF version here before we're even scheduled for the convention.

    Should be good for a laugh.


  • WTWizard

    Do not have any fun, and do not look at anything that might lead to living a somewhat normal life. And, if that doesn't work, then spend all your time out in field circus.

    I can assure anyone that, if anyone follows the advice in the book, you are going to have heartaches, stagnation, poverty, and a wasted life. None of the answers are going to work (in spite of that they tell people that they are certain to work if you apply them diligently). This is worse than a mere waste of paper--it brings up false hope, causes (not just allows--causes) people to fail, and ruins lives.

  • PrimateDave

    No doubt it will have an entire chapter on the evils of spanking the monkey. Now where did I put that banana?


  • asilentone

    Did they talk about masturbation?

  • logic&reason

    Chapter 1: Internet = EVIL

    Chapter 2: Education = EVIL

    Chapter 3: Intelligent Thought = EVIL

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    are any of these questions really sent in by young people, I smell bullshit

  • Dorktacular

    I'd like to be one of the writers for the new YPA book. The first page would read RUN! RUN NOW! RUN FAST! GET LAID!!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Dave: No doubt it will have an entire chapter on the evils of spanking the monkey.

    What? I thought they would change their teaching on masterwanking by now. I think they should include this tee free with each copy of the new book:

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