I hope too. In fact the bible tells in 1 Timothy 2:1,2 that we should pray for our government that they could give us a good calm normal life.
Is the Watchtower finally changing for the better?
by Dead Man Joaquin 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
I can only compare it by looking back at the Ray Franz - Ed Dunlap days of the late 70s and early 80s.
For a brief time, it did look as if some reform might be taking place. There was even a mysterious Watchtower study article that hinted that Jesus was actually the mediator of the covenant for "all christians" - an anethema to the hard liner's annointed supremacy. Ray himself notes that the GB actually voted as a majority for reformation on the draft issue - but that they could not make up the necessary 2/3 majority to actually change it.
Then, when the senile old grunts realized that some reformers were afoot - the empire struck back big-time.
Witch hunts are just too much fun for them to ever give up on totally.
I hope too. In fact the bible tells in 1 Timothy 2:1,2 that we should pray for our government that they could give us a good calm normal life.
Rather than pray to god to give us a govt that will let us lead a good ,calm, normal life just VOTE for the govt that we think can do those things. It just is a little time saving idea besides god is busy doing stuff what with Armageddon being so close and all....
Homerovah the Almighty
Then, when the senile old grunts realized that some reformers were afoot - the empire struck back big-time.
Good one, I bet there is a lot of in house bickering going on right now
with all the present changes happening, ignorant old turds head banging each other, done with zeal of course.
Personally I think the majority of the faithful are just getting tired and impatient waiting for the big day some have been waiting now for decades
and the flock are getting restless.
The strong dedication to the organization may be starting to wane and weaken.
There's too much real discussion at book studies and not enough talking "at". Out of all the boredom , the book study is the most relaxed open atmosphere. Probably why the real Christians met in private homes.
The KH, like most church buildings is a cold atmosphere with little to no discussion taking place .... just lectures.
I think they should have called the book study "school" and the KMS "public speaking assistance". -
Country Girl
Don't kid yourself buddy. With the hours the demand of the pioneers, CO's, DO's etc. they can't afford to pay the gas no more. Like they always say: follow the money. With prices for food, gas, lodging, etc. going up, they can't afford to pay anymore, so they are dropping the attendance at the local meetings, so that their costs will be less expensive. The Truth will shrink with the price of the dollar. Costs a lot to run a huge religious conglomerate: circuit, district conventions, international conventions, etc. They're going into start to make it local, believe me.
Whatever books, magazines, etc. that the local KH can pay for, they'll give it. The publishers won't be able to pay for it in donations, so they'll cut them off. They'll only have enough literature for those people in the field that pay for it. There's a saying :lunch is NEVER free.
The local Kingdom Halls will have to tighten up because they can only get attendance from those people that can afford to get there, which in the rurals, they won't be getting much attendance because of the cost of gas. This will cause KH attendance to go down 12%.
There will also be a slowdown on shepharding visits, because of gas prices.