He and his wife have been regular pioneers for over 20 years. And yet, he also has been planning for the future by putting money into an IRA account. It seems somewhat contradictory to me to go to people's homes, and warn of impending doom, while at the same time, saving for a retirement, some 20+ years in the future.
I found that many Witnesses in the 1980's still had no plans for retirement......After all, 1984 was the "70 year cut off" date for "this generation", so why plan anything? But when they changed "this generation" doctrine in the Novmeber 1995 WT, alot woke up and realized they better do something. My former best friend, who is a fanatical die-hard pioneer for the past 20 years, had never believed in buying a house or doing anything that might suggest setting roots down in this 'wicked system of things', yet after that study article, she and her hubby bought a house........
The younger generation still had time to save for retirement, but my parents' generation is the one that got royally screwed, as it was too late for many of them to buy a house, contribute to a pension plan or even put money into RRSP's. I know countless Witnesses in their 70s or 80s now who are literally living hand-to-mouth, simply because they were given advice from the Feckless and Indiscreet Slobber Class not to do anything that hinted of stability.
I wonder when we can expect to see an apology in the literature for screwing over hundreds of thousands of Witnesses out of a decent life.