Attending Spanish Congregation's, Is there a difference as far as them being more easy going ? I knew a few Brothers and Sisters who would say that. Anyone experience any length of time in a Spanish Hall ?
Spanish Halls
by Free 11 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
Ours seemed to be, then there was the one here in the east that was not as much. The parties were infinately better, though. Loud music with elders dancing as hard as the others. Spanish congs. also have weekly get togethers and sports much more than English.
At ours they let the children bring finger foods........I find cheerios every Sunday afternoon.
Went spanish for 3 yrs. Loved the atmosphere.
White Dove
Oh yeah, Spanish khalls definately rock! They are much more family oriented and fun after meetings than English, which are stuffy and much more boring after meetings (go home and that's it.) In the Spanish halls, the kids run all over the place, including the parking lot, and are seldom repremanded.
Look at the big picture guys. Spanish congs. may have better parties but they also are more judgemental. People in Spanish congs. seem to have a knack for looking over their shoulder at what sister so and so is doing or at how brother so and so is raising his kids. They are also very prone to gossip. I also found they were much quicker to form a JC and much less likely to show mercy.
Been there, done that...
changeling :)
Awakened at Gilead
Been in Spanish for many years...
That said, I agree 100% with Changleing! All I would add is that the dress code was different in Spanish... sisters dressed a little tighter, more makeup, lower necklines (although I think miniskirts were more common in English, lol).
Witness 007
Speak for yourself "Awakened" they dressed fine..grrrrrr...and the congs are more friendly it's a European thing.
Spanish for all of my "career" except for one year. Spanish JWS are stricter in some things, laxer with others.
And yes, we did have more "fun". We would get single English language bros at our assemblies to get a gander at "Jehovah's Creation".
Spanish congs. may have better parties but they also are more judgemental.
I agree with that statement. While I did not go to a spanish cong my ex wife was spanish and all her family attend the spanish cong. Here are some of my thoughts
The elders were more "procedural". I know of cases where people were d'f for some bizzar things.
There always seemed to be a cultural thing that the "truth" did not translate well. I recall someone telling me that a spanish group went to see the Russell grave site in Pittsburgh. When the group was there everyone was hugging each other, crying, and generally carrying-on as if they has gone to a sacred site.