Medical Marijuana
by wha happened? 76 Replies latest watchtower medical
This is my first real post since lurking for several years. This is something I have personal experience with. My husband was termnal and had been getting some MJ as best he could from the street to help him deal with pain and stress. I got him to a special doctor for authorization to purchase from a distribution center. He was so pleased by the quality and ease of getting it. It made his last days so much more comfortable. He was on heavy doses of morphine in addition. There is nothing that would calm him as well as this "alternative medicine". So it wasn't just for pain but helped appetite and stressing out from his circumstance. His Oncologist nurses and hospice doctor and nurses were upset that it isn't accepted by the medical community and the powers that be. They would complain that it is so policized.
I met people that would not be able to work full time unless they used it for chronic back pain and other painful ailments. I have a frend that used it for MS and had favorable resuslts but discontinued because of guilt of using it in front of her family. How sad is that?
I always treated it as medicine and did not use it myself but was always grateful he had it. In his last days I was also able to have it delivered because he could not travel to obtain it.
I will eventually post my WT story. I was in over 50 years so it is never too late.
The very word, "Marijuana", has become so tainted with myth and misinformation by the government, (especially the DEA, for whom it i$ their daily bread) that it is almost impossible to have an intelligent discussion about it. I don't really bother to argue. The poblem of course is that it is a weed and you really can't tax it because anybody can grow it anywhere, thus the government makes more money off of it by it's being illegal. The moral outrage is unbelievable, the prisons are bulging with honest people and the DEA is bulging with rotten, corrupt nazis. And of course, police, citizens and their families who suffer are regularly killed because the government has made a common weed worth $400.00 an ounce.
PS. Emylou, I look forward to hearing more from you. Come back when you can.
God blessed us with Marijuana.
I just had to jump in here. I am from Oregon and am a medical cannabis patient. I am also a retired RN. I hold a Bachelor's degree. I have seen extensive research, ongoing, from all over the world, except the US. That is because the FDA has a monopoly on legal cannabinoid plant material and won't allow research. They have also lied to the American Public when they said that there is no research to support the use of medical marijuana. That is false, it is unfounded and they are being sued to produce evidence.
As a matter of fact, there is extensive research and longitudinal studies disproving Paul's stereotypical theories. This is discussed on a yearly basis by medical professionals from all over the world at medical conventions such as the National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics For example, did you know that Israeal has been able to develop a compound of a cannabinoid and quinine that rivals one of our top chemotherapeutic drugs here in the US? Without the side effects! Imagine, chemo, without side effects, except maybe you wanna go home and eat french fries but who says the side effects from drugs have to be suffered through? Why is my drug no less therapeutic because it makes me want to play my fiddle and eat a sandwich? And that it keeps me hungry enough to keep weight on. And takes care of my PTSD. And helps with the intestinal spasm from Celiac's. And helps with the neurological pain from multiple spinal surgeries.....on and on. That is 4 pills I've just eliminated in my daily life. I've been on both sides of the hospital bed as a patient and as a nurse and I can tell you that cannabis is one of the most innocuous substances on earth. I didn't say COMPLETELY, just like anything you can abuse it. One can abuse their insulin, it doesn't mean they are addicted to it.
Let's get the difference between abuse, addiction and dependence straight. Am I dependent on my cannabis. Yes. I require daily sustenance and cannabis makes that possible on a regular basis. And makes it more enjoyable. Am I addicted? Yes. Many would argue as to whether it is actually addiction, but I know that I get mild withdrawal symptoms, like you would if you cut out the caffeine and are a daily coffee drinker. It is certainly nothing like withdrawal from xanax or morphine. Do I abuse my cannabis. No. I use it in a manner that is consistent with my physician's orders. The good thing about cannabis is that you can titrate your dosage while vaporising or smoking and you stop when you feel the effects of relief or hunger.
Sorry Paul, many would argue that the paranoia that plagued you while you were medicating yourself came from your own psychological uneasiness with the use itself. Not one person in all of history has ever died from an overdose of cannabis. Not one, in 10,000 years of documented cannabis use. Several hundred die every year from aspirin and thousands from reactions to antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. An excellent book to read on the subject of longterm studies and the documented actual history of cannabis use would be "Women and Cannabis: Medicine, Science, and Sociology". I had the priveledge of meeting the author at the convention a couple of years ago and the book is well researched and an excellent educational tool. There is SO MUCH research out there are that is a good place to start with extensive references to peer reviewed studies and historical documentation. Please educate yourself. Pleasehelp us stop throwing people in jail for being ill. You do this by using your voting priveledges and make our government stop wasting so much tax money on the "war against drugs".
Thanks for posting this wan2bme! And thank you for sharing some of your experience.
And welcome to JWD, we look forward to reading more of your posts.
White Dove
Bravo, Want2bme! Sensational laws come from panic from sensationalism.
Tan Hai-chi
As with anything I think it is a personal choice and people should have the right to make that choice just like they make the choice to drink alcohol. There are plenty of people that can drink alcohol responsibly but there are plenty who can't and shouldn't because they cannot control themselves. I think the same goes with MJ. Some can be fine on it or it even improves them mentally and emotionally while others it makes a mess of their lives. To each his own and I shall not judge you because you drink or smoke but if because you drink or smoke you are affecting other peoples lives because of your behavior then you should not use that which is creating that behavior. Know yourself! I have a few friends that had or still have serious problems with drinking and it has messed up their lives something fierce! Yet it is legal to drink and make that choice to drink even though it has be proven without a doubt that alcohol can KILL or destroy your life! MJ which has no where near the evidence alcohol has of being deadly or destructive is illegal! People are in jail doing more time because of MJ then for Murder, rape etc... As usually everything is ass backward!
Didn't think this thread was still alive.
May be i should sum up what i was trying to get across. That being, that if someone wants to use mj in a medical way then the side effects of it should be taken into consideration. For regular recreational users to say that the side effects that i have mentioned are BS is wrong. If on balance a person wants to use mj to ease pain then go for it, but do not ignore that these can happen.
On the other hand, if someone wants to smoke as much as they want for whatever reason, i or the next man have no right to tell anybody what to do.
However these side effects are not BS as some have suggested and should be taken into consideration when educating yourself on the harmful effects of mj use.
This is my first real post since lurking for several years. This is something I have personal experience with. My husband was termnal and had been getting some MJ as best he could from the street to help him deal with pain and stress. I got him to a special doctor for authorization to purchase from a distribution center. He was so pleased by the quality and ease of getting it. It made his last days so much more comfortable. He was on heavy doses of morphine in addition. There is nothing that would calm him as well as this "alternative medicine". So it wasn't just for pain but helped appetite and stressing out from his circumstance. His Oncologist nurses and hospice doctor and nurses were upset that it isn't accepted by the medical community and the powers that be. They would complain that it is so policized.
Okay, this is so funny....this is my sister who posted this three posts up that I totally missed.
I am validating her post that I can't believe I missed. I'm telling you...I'm such a ditz.
I understand the caution that some have, but you must understand, we have a relative who died a long and painful death from bone cancer. Med MJ is the ONLY thing that eased his pain...screw the side affects.
So what was your question wha?