More thought control / conditioning in the KM

by logic&reason 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tfjw

    Too funny! and how true!

  • logic&reason

    They can just substitute with the code phrase "reaching out"...

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    Just as stupid as those super-phony "resolutions" that everybody is made to subscribe to
    loudly at some of the assemblies.

    Resolutions at conventions and congregations is an fascinating topic. All votes are always
    unanimous without a single dissenting vote - even in a crowd of several thousand. It’s rather

    The passing of resolutions is actually funny; and reminds me of the Iraqi parliament when Saddam Hussein was in power. Saddam actually had the nerve to boast how democratic the government in Baghdad was - since all parliamentary members had the opportunity to vote on key issues. Not
    surprisingly, all votes were always unanimous - every time.

    Here’s an interesting story: I have a good friend who is an ex-Witness and was considered one
    of the Anointed. When he was still a Witness back in 1996, he attended the District Convention
    in Israel. At the convention, they passed a lengthy, multi-part resolution. On one of the points,
    he raised his hand in dissent. He was the only one out of a few thousand people. He nearly got
    chased out of the assembly.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Of course, it is appropriate to applaud for a member of the GB who gives the same canned talk for the 43rd time, but if you applaud for an 8 year old who just struggled through his first assignment, THAT is "creature worship."

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Apparently someone wrote in to see if it was appropriate

    They don't need someone to write anything in to come up with this crap. JWs aren't supposed to ask questions, they're supposed to provide answers... from the paragraphs provided by the FDS.

    Don't be surprised if there's a "Questions from Readers" asking, "How does Hojovah fit so much Holy Spirit into the few members of the Governing Body?" So, who'd ask such a stupid question? The Governing Body, of course.

    B the X

  • logic&reason

    True... They micro-manage under the guise of answering questions from readers.

    I am sure there are some "Ned Flanders" types out there that do write in with asinine questions, but for they most part they are just inventing questions to go along with the answers they have prepared.

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