The real truth is here, please read this, IMPORTANT!

by Hybrid Faith 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hybrid Faith
    Hybrid Faith

    Hi all,

    This is the real truth...

    Also read the proof that although correct in principle, the Watchtower are in fact the evil slave class.

    The reason for this is that they are to early, and they have misled us about the end times.

    The end is near, but not that near.

    Read this below please...

    I also paste it here...

    In chapters 24 and 25 of Matthew Jesus presents much information in answer to the question from his disciples "What will be the sign of your presence?" And, "What will be the signs of the conclusion of the system?".

    In Mat 24 vs 42 -51 Jesus warns his faithful servants that they should keep on the watch because they do not know on what day their Lord is coming. Saying in vs 44 "You too prove to be ready because at an hour that you do not think it to be, the Son of man is coming".

    There was to be a similar waiting period to Noah's day 120 years long when persons serving God as followers of Jesus would be warning the world system of its coming end. But these persons giving out this warning would not themselves know when the Son of man would arrive. In fact at an hour that these warners do not expect it Jesus says he will arrive ( Mat 24:37-39 ).


    Who then is this Bad Employee?
    Greek word Doulos - Servant, Slave, Employee.
    Greek word Kakos - Evil, Wicked, Bad, unfair of bad character, destructive, injurious person.

    Possible renderings of Kakos Doulos:- "Evil Slave", "Wicked Servant", "Bad Employee".

    In connection with his unexpected arrival Jesus throws up the question in vs 45 "Who really are these faithful and discerning servants who had been commissioned by him to give out spiritual food nourishment to the household at the correct time".

    This could apply to any groups who since 1914 during this 120 year period have been involved in warning that the Kingdom had drawn near and that the system was approaching its end, (Mat 3:1-3, 10-12 ).

    At a time not expected because of a seeming delay Jesus' arrives. Which of these involved in the warning work will prove to be wise and recognise this unexpected delayed arrival date of Jesus? Which ones will prove bad not adjusting to this delayed timetable? It will cause division of these groups.


    Who then is the Wise Loyal Employee?
    Many thousands of various bible students believe that Jesus arrival began in 1878, many others 1914. This did not happen but from their view point he has delayed his inspection time of the so called Christian religious system.

    In vs 46 Jesus says of the ones recognising his coming at and unexpected time after a period of delay. "Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so". Why? Because these are the ones who shall be appointed over the earthly interests of the next "generation" phase of the Kingdom activity. "They are to be appointed over all the earthly belongings" vs 47.

    These ones will have the opportunity in being part of the next John the Baptist preparation vehicle when it becomes active. On the other hand many will not move on to this next phase why? Because they are wrongly expecting the events of Armageddon to come next, not the Coronation which they continue to believe has already taken place. So they say in their hearts vs 48 "My master is delaying". Leading them to: (vs 49) brow beat their followers with all sorts of do's and don'ts, unnecessary rules and requirements (binding up heavy loads, putting them on others shoulders Mat 23:4) their actions are described as "eating and drinking with the confirmed drunkards".


    What Happens to these Un-responding ones?
    Once these former followers lose the Masters approval they lose their direction, water down their objectives reverting to the ways of the other religions of Christendom and go to 'sleep' spiritually Rev 17:1-2. This is already happening with many over the understanding of the time for the 'last generation' watering it down to a meaningless time period rather than examining to see if their starting dates are wrong and so their expectation of events delayed. This is happening because, (vs 50) "The master comes (after a delay) on a day that they do not expect and in an hour that they do not recognise". So what will happen to these ones that refuse to accept the delayed coronation date and inspection. They receive a heavy punishment, (vs 51) "He will cut them in two and place them with the hypocrites" Mat 23:13-28. Because they fail to support the Master at his correct time of arrival for his coronation, they commit the act of rebellion against him.

    Although since 1914 being part of the 120 year early warning group, they rebel against Jesus by refusing to accept his delayed arrival and coronation date. For this he will execute these potential Sons of the Kingdom as criminals (cutting asunder was the execution method for the worst criminals). Executed by rejection, they become spiritually dead as the rest of the hypocrites within Christendom's leaders Mat 8:12.

    What a great opportunity wasted, no wonder they are described as weeping and mad with themselves in anguish, what a disaster for these ones who for years may have served the warning notice but start to fall into the trap of building more loyalty for their own man made religious organisations than for God and his timetable (vs 51).

    Not only do they lose out on the opportunity to become Sons of God but when they die they go to their graves or Hades with the unrighteous. Cut off for an additional 1,000 years from what they could have had a direct part in, the opportunity to rule as kings and priests alongside Jesus in the Kingdom's 1,000 year rulership. This is all lost to them, they do not even get an early earthly resurrection. Instead they have to wait this additional 1,000 years for the resurrection of the unrighteous, (Luke 16:19-31, John 5:29, Acts 24:15, 1 Cor 15:24).

    Note: the fact that the scriptures say these unfaithful ones go to Hades with the "hypocrites" and not Gehenna shows they had not become part of the Moses group (adopted anointed Sons of God) who transferred over from the John the Baptist preparation vehicle. According to the scriptures any of these anointed Sons of God who are unfaithful and commit the unforgivable sin go directly to second death or Gehenna with no hope of any type of resurrection (Heb 6:4-6, 10:26-29).


    These First in Line Will Become the Last to Benefit.
    These first in line will now become the last, although they claim to have worked in the vineyard all day long, since 1914 for some all their adult lives warning people (Mat 20:16). These ones were in the front line position, eating and drinking spiritual food from the table of their master. For failing to recognise and support the delayed Coronation date of Jesus they are shut out from any further part in Kingdom activities (Luke 13:25-30). Just as the Jewish nation were shut out of continued privileges from God once they had rejected their king on the 10th of Nisan 33 CE. In chapter 25 of Matthew Jesus continues using illustrations on the same theme, punishment by cutting off from the Kingdom of those prepared ones who should have responded to the delayed date.


    The Ten Virgins 5 Discerning and 5 Stupid.
    is of ten virgins, five discerning and five stupid, the bridegroom delays. When the arrival cry comes in 2033 the discerning act wisely and are prepared to respond to the situation. The five stupid do not respond sticking to old ideas complaining about the delay and miss the call-in-time, so they are rejected and locked out (Mat 25:1-13).


    Master demands servants accounting wise are rewarded stupid rejected.
    Another illustration Jesus uses is the Master who leaves his servants to do his work while he is away. After a long time the master returns and demands an accounting of their efforts the wise increase their spiritual riches, the stupid let it stagnate, at the return of the master the wise are rewarded, the stupid are rejected into spiritual darkness and locked out (Mat 25:14-29).


    Jesus warns those who since 1914 working in the field at the 120 year warning work. Have their anticipated time for the Kingdom wrong, it seems to delay to them so some go to sleep on the job stop illuminating the situation or turn into bad servants stagnating. When the real John the Baptist preparation work starts heralding the seeming late delay of the Coronation and the start of the Kingdom these ones will miss it and lose out completely. Fortunately all these illustrations of Jesus show there are two parts to this group one part that turns bad and loses out and another part that remain awake and recognises the delay and the mistakes, adjusts to accepting it and supporting the new time table. It will be an individual choice as to who will be wise and who will be foolish, choices have to be made, changes accepted in order to carry on serving and progress on to gaining the rewards of being appointed over all the masters belongings (Mat 24:47).

    When the John the Baptist preparation vehicle is identified it will carried out one of the greatest assignments on behalf of God preparing things for the Kingdom but they are not themselves part of the Kingdom's king/priests. They direct persons moving them toward the Kingdom. There activity dies off as John did before the door was opened to Kingdom recruitment (Mat 11:1). Wise servant who positively attach them selves to the John the Baptist preparation vehicle will be moved along and over to the Moses group as candidates for Kingdom recruitment when it restarts in 2033.


    Jesus arrives in 2033, armageddon in 2070, now that makes sense.

    No copyright laws have been broken here, as they allow redistribution to further the truth.

    The formatting seems to be OK now, I don't know what caused this!

    Please visit the site it is "OUTSTANDING" and will really open up the truth as it really is.

    The truth is yet to come, and all organised religion will fail before the truth comes out.

    It is all here again...

    Have fun reading it!

    Bye for now,


  • asilentone
  • oompa

    Welcome....but WOW!! That is a lot for a first might want to break that into more than one thread....stick around and do share some of your personal story. I'm sure it felt good to get that off your chest but I just don't have it in me to read WT length articles anymore....oompa

  • Honesty

    If I join them do I have to agree 100% with their Gobbling Buddy?

    Can I incur the wrath of God by disagreeing with their Gobbling Buddy?

    Will any family and friends I convince to join with me start shunning and calling me evil names if I disagree with their Gobbling Buddy?

    Do they have any hot chicks that are members?

  • logic&reason

    Another century, another crazy eschatology...

  • Farkel


    Somewhere between first and third grades there is this wonderful thing they teach you to use: it's called "paragraphs."

    I doubt many people will take the time to read your run-on paragraphs, no matter how good the material may be.


  • digderidoo

    Ditto what others have said.

    It needs breaking down into paragraphs. I got lost about 5 or 6 lines in.


  • Quirky1

    Welcome to the board Hybrid!

    Ditto to others. Break it down.

  • Scully

    I think the original poster's paragraph formatting got lost somewhere in between his posting via Firefox and JWD's IE optimization! It was actually there when I went to edit it.

    That said, the only "real truth" that has any meaning for me is the sunshine on my face, the warmth of my bed and a damn fine cup of tea.

  • JCanon

    Thanks, Hybrid.

    I enjoyed reading your insightful references. I didn't suddenly forget how to read just because you presented this in one paragraph. Further, funny to me, if those criticizing you for format likely are those skilled enough to edit the paragraphs themselves if their vision was impaired, so not to worry. Nice formatting is nice but to claim that prevents people from reading your message is just a ridiculous excuse.

    I'm glad I did read it through, though!

    Thank you for the links.


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