I read somewhere that the Gov. Body and WT have created some sort of seperation in an effort to make it more difficult to place blame and responsibility with all the child abuse cases. A legal roadblock if you will. If this is true and I think it is, can you give me a place to read it again. I swear I read that somewhere, but can't figure out where. Thanks...if you can help. A witness friend of mine wants more info on it.
Governing Body distances itself rom the WT - is this true?
by justconfused 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
A few years back the WT created a bunch of new corporations, for example the Christian congregation of JWs. If I remember right, none of these corporations including the mother corporation has GB members as directors. They are playing a shell game, under which shell is the money bags and where are the GB hiding.
You could try doing a search on the option line at the top of the page of JWD.
I hope this helps, Maybe someone else can direct you better.
I was at the Annual Meeting when they announced this. Basically, there is no more legal connection between the GB at the WT Society. The offices of president, vice pres., chairman, etc., were all assigned to other "heavies" at Bethel, and a few additional legal entities were created to control the physical operations. At the time, us Bethelites were saying how this would protect the GB members when persecution hits.
When Jerusalem was being beseiged by Nebucadnetsar, the chieftans of Jerusalem fled out the dung gate at night and ran downhill towards the Jordan.
They were caught.
The WT is under seige, with all the pedophilia cases an other problems they are encountering, they are not escaping with dignity. It's out the dung gate, in a last ditch endeavor to escape.
There is specific information in the latest KM about where to send donations, and to make checks payable to WT when sending money for literature, but to the "Christian Congregation of JWs" when donating at assemblies and conventions.
Here is a thread that lists a lot of the corporations and companies/businesses of the Society -
Yes, if you wish to donate to the world wide work you need to make your check out to the "Wa Tch Tower." If you wish to contribute to the congregation, make your check out to "The Chris Tian Congregation of the 'held Harmless.'"
wha happened?
what a beautiful corporation it has become. All hail to the corporation. Enron and Ne Century should be Jealous
In a move that is more likely to attract attention for legal reasons than anything else, the Watchtower has made a massive reorganization of its corporate leadership. While this does not seem to affect current responsibilities such as their actual daily work, it clearly is meant to provide isolation of guilt to as few entities as possible in the litigious days ahead for the Watchtower organization. Here is their press release. Below are some notes from the Annual Meeting.
You have it backwards. What the watchtower did is distance itself from the antics of the governing body. They don't want any "world wide" assets to be jeopardized by stupid decisions of the gb.