sacolton, I know that one!!!!! (raised my hand wildly to get the conductor's attention)
What do you think about small children commenting in the meetings?
by asilentone 45 Replies latest jw friends
Mouthy you do yourself an injustice if your daughter was a loving generous christian then that is a credit to you, you have no idea how rare that is especially were I live.
I haven't personally been to a sunday school i'm a born in Jw but I saw a few in documentaries a recent one was called dispatches "in God's name" there's no question in the setting the children enjoy it, it's just a nursery that teaches whatever faith is practised there but however enjoyable it still is directing the children specifically to the teachings of that particular faith.
I was thinking on this and maybe we have Jesus to blame for Jw's allowing kids to answer up at meetings with there literal interpretation of bible, Jesus in the temple talking to jewish leaders at twelve (I think was his age) one of the few childhood mentions of his life. this could be the principle they were influenced by. am I right any ex-elders out there?
reniaa Tell me truthfully How often is Jesus mentioned in the Kingdom Hall????? ONLY at the end of the prayer when I was there for 25 years. He was Micheal the Ark Angel. At least the Sunday schools teach that its JESUS they must worship NOT THE Organization.
No Reniaa ,My Melanie didnt get it from me. She got it from her personal study after she left the Borg.
She was the first to point out that JWS lacked in the only thing we MUST have if we are Christians & that is LOVE!!!! The JWS only have Conditional Love as long as we obey the WT rules.
Lol, I only remember doing the "The greatest teacher book" about 3 times in a row at bookstudy, I got to know jesus's life in vivid technicolour but I also liked the picture of him with curly hair, bearded and dark jewish looking so different from the white arian blu-eyed and inexplicably greasy looking blonde/brown hair in TV/Movie portrayals of him that continue to this day...
Seriously Mouthy I think you and I went to different KH if you think jesus wasn't mentioned a great deal but yes he was always in second place to jehovah and your right we weren't encouraged to worship jesus but in that case I take my cue from jesus's words himself who never wanted to be worshiped, he always put his father first.
One time as a child I was answering. The answer was supposed to be, "Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendigo." I didn't quite get what my mom wispered in my ear, and as I got the mike I yelled out, "YOU SHACK, I SHACK, AND AWAY WE GO!"