As a JW we were always told worldly people were bad always out for what they could get out of you. As for me iv'e made some good friends not anything as bad as the JW's said they woul'd be. What about you ??????????
Did you find worldly people as bad as the JW's made them out to be??
by karter 55 Replies latest jw experiences
No. They usually want to help.
I found some truly evil people in "the world" but I also found people who were more righteous and loving than many Witnesses. I guess "the world" is just like "the Truth" in that there are some really good people and some really bad ones in both. So it comes down to humanity as a whole: we all have the capacity for good and bad.
I usually found them better as i know they will take me as i am.
They are usually more interesting ad they are not so focussed on one thing.
Black Sheep
Worldly people turned out to be largely humanitarian, regardless of their religious affiliation.
I have been amazed at the really nice, friendly and genuine "Worldly people" that I have met in the past 10 years.
Superfine Apostate
i once told an elder that i don't believe in "the world". it's nice for some people to have two big boxes (actually a little "JW"-box and a huge "world"-box) they can put everyone into.
of course there is no such thing as "the world" vs. "JWs", but the JW faith depends on that view. after all there's a war going on, and a war needs a big bad enemy to have enough supporters. -
Reefton Jack
In a word, no.
While not born into the religion, I was introduced to "The Truth" at an impressionable age, and consequently relied on the WTS view to form an opinion on most things.
- and of course, that view was inevitably a distorted one.
(I always say that I am well qualified to be awarded a Diploma of Idiocy, after having once been such an avid reader of everything the WTS printed!)
Something that continues to impress me is how I am now received by many of the people that knew me before the WT madness took hold.
As a good JW, I did my best to convert them; and at the time, they must have thought that I had taken leave of my senses.
This was when the 1975 hype was in full swing, and I did rather give it to them with both barrels (maybe even the whole gun!)
Now, these same people don't seem to hold that against me.
Apart from the odd reference about how they wondered why I fell for "that religion", it is like nothing has ever changed.
That drove home to me that I previously knew a lot of good "Worldly" people - and that they are still there.
So,no - the "World is all evil" line is just yet another instance in which the WTS is talking crap.
Jack. -
Mr. Majestic
I have found the most amazing people in the ‘world’. The dynamics are very different to life as a JW. I think that it takes a lot longer for people to trust and accept you, but when they do then it seems to have more depth. But I am still learning how it all works. But it is nothing near as bad as I have been lead to believe….
What amazes me is how moral and principled some of them are. I had to work quite hard and listen very intently to get to the required standards while a JW. It didn’t come easy for me at all. But some of the people outside of JW’s have these wonderful attributes naturally. I have such an admiration for them as people. They just have things innately. There are a lot of tossers out there also, but like someone has said, there is the same spectrum of people in the ‘world’ like there was in the ‘truth’.
The society are wrong to vilify the world when they are like they are……They need to start ‘in house’ first.
AK - Jeff
No. Actually, I find 'worldly people', that is non-jws, to be refreshingly better people than the Jw's I have known.
Jw's live by a stiff moral code that is largely [if not entirely] a construct of men. They use that as a wedge to drive them upward in their minds, and those who don't live the same life patterns, downward in their minds.
For the most part I find non-witnesses to be just as moral in matters that are important, and not near as judgmental of others. Of course that brushstroke is too broad, but in general I mean to say. In areas of work-ethic, concern for community, environment, true charity, the Jw's don't even begin to hold a candle to 'worldly people'. I am glad to have changed teams.