In your personal opinion is the average JW a reasonable person?
Reasonable People
by Honesty 12 Replies latest jw friends
Neither was I when I was JW
dito Sirona
I've found them to be unidimensional in their thinking. Even when debating something non religious with them, they seem incapable of recognizing that a perspective other than their own can even exist, let alone getting one to examine a different perspective.
I agree with Sirona.
Strip them of their WT goggles and maybe there might be someone in there reasonable, but after years of not thinking for themself, they
probably don't know what to think.
Are you kidding....Lol Only if you love total frustration.....there pretty hard to the religious department, aside from that normal day to
day and down to earth conversations are ok, unless of course it gets directed back to look at "how bad things are" or "Isn't wonderful how things will soon change".
Now that I think about it I change my answer.....NO!
It's ironic that one of the foremost qualifications of an elder is that he be reasonable.
..Join our religion or die!!..
....................We have the worlds smartest janitors!..
........................We believe whatever the Watchtower tells us..Until the Watchtower tell`s us we,don`t believe that any more..
.......................Jehovah`s Witness`s are the happiest people on earth!..
Religiously: NO, how can anyone in a free society join a totalitarian movement and be considered wholly reasonable.
But within the other frames of their lives yes.
White Dove
NO!!! Ever have one for a boss? Ugh. Even in their everyday lives, they are unreasonable. They have to ask the elders about the most mundane and personal things. They must pray and get Jehovah's mind on whether they should relocate for that job they want that will improve their financial situation. They turn down jobs for meetins and service. They would rather die and let a loved one die before taking into their body a symbol, only a symbol. Nothing about any of that is normal or reasonable.