I don't have the new Organization book either. I tried searching here for it but I couldn't find the shunning part.
Do JWs Shun You?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
Organized to do Jehovah's Will
I may be rare but JW do not shun me. I've been moving houses this past two week and a bunch of JW have come by to offer help or have a beer with me dispite the fact i have a beard, have not been to meeting in over a year, and have made it known that i will not be returning to the Hall ever. Please note, i was always respectfull to everyone at the Hall and made it a a point to have all the "friends" over for a BBQ at some point. I'm nor DF of DA even though i turned in a DA letter to the Elders, they through it in the trash. I guess cause they know i know all the little dirty things that happen in the Hall.
Thanks Blondie. Pages 155 and 156 clearly state that an ANNOUNCEMENT is made when one is to be treated as a disassociated or disfellowshipped person. No announcement has been made about me, hence their treatment is against the Organization's written policy.
I have the new DO book on pdf.
If you want it pm me with your e-mail and I'll send it to you.
I read it online. It's just what I thought. Of course, many JWs interpret things differently, especially if an elder says that's not what the book "really" means.
Oh, to answer your question.
Yes, I do believe I was shunned over the weekend at a family gathering.
I get the feeling of being ignored by a lot of people though.
I should be used to it.
The only ones in my family still in the religion are my mother, aunt and sister. None of them shun me. I have 2 friends who are still technically JW's and neither one of them shun me either. I suppose everyone else would (if I ever actually made it to the KH, which I refuse to do), but I don't care since none of them mean anything to me.
Shunners are elitists.