ff....rocco looks just like his avatar......looking good!!!!....da ninja
KING of the NORTH (proof!)
by winnower 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
even though its a doctored photo.....I got to see a full frontal of the rockstar
Awakened at Gilead
Great Thread! This is reallywhat JWD needs more scholarly threads like this...
Don't be such a poof, ninja. Or are you the Ning of the Korth?
I am the ning of the korth....and I have a rarge sclotum........
I got it. West is the new North.
Winnower, are you suggesting that the requirement a few months ago by each congregation to fill out complete personal information cards was more than just standard procedures? I am asking you to consider what motive an entity would have to collect all of your personal information and why they would keep detailed records on your behavior, habits, financial info, and keep your "sins" in writing (JC records) etc. You have no secrets from them. Do you think this kind of detailed census of people could be a good thing? Have you ever considered how that information could be used against you? How you would have no place to hide? The scientologists and mormons also keep detailed records on their people. Why do they need to have this kind of information? A couple of years ago christendom started asking members to sign "tithe contracts" so they could calculate their budgets. Imagine! Why do they need to know your salaries? Have you ever been given any guarantee that your records are confidential? Do you know exactly what info they have on you? Does the cong have a "freedom of Info Act" that would allow you to see what has been gathered or written about you? Suppose the gov enacted search and seizure of records. Do you think your info would be secure? Not that it would happen this way. I think it will be used by the org itself because they are still involved. And by the way, the new policy stated on website is that partnership is disclosed at their discretion! So I can't search to find out if Tower has another name for their listing. I don't have time to look it up, but there are scriptures concerning the wisdom of "keeping your own counsel" and about revealing matters that should be kept private. The Tower even has an eye-cam in your bedroom! Just suppose there were some "master plan" to rid the world of people who are dissidents that cannot be controlled? People who would object to the "order of the day"? Would this not be a concern to the faders and apostates? Didn't Hitler round up the Jews through registries and census? Another thing you may not realize is that there are some major changes going on in the world of christendom and they are starting to "disfellowship" members who won't go along with the program. They are ridding everyone who cannot be controlled. I will include a clip here at end to give you example of what's happening. Are you suggesting, in light of the WTS's association as an NGO with the United Nations that they are somehow in cahoots with them? The partnership of NGO's are much bigger than you can imagine. The NGO's are to implement the agendas of bringing about the "sustainable peace and security". There can only be "sustainable peace" when the beehive mentality can be accomplished and all are of one accord. No independent thinking. And the sustainable security can only be accomplished when "resources" (water, fuel, food) are balanced for everyone on the planet. Now I ask you...if all the $$$ given to churches and charities all through the years had really gone for those intended purposes, shouldn't things have been a little more balanced by now? Religions are satan's kingdoms of the world. That's why we have been called out of them. We have seen it. There is a "plan" to accomplish that sustainable peace and security and the plan is a lie because it is a scheme of man. The plan to accomplish that purpose is to depopulate the earth so that a few can live better, and the lesser ones will be slaves. (for more info see Prophecy thread) The "Day of Jehovah" is not the same as "Armageddon". The Day of Jehovah is the day of Darkness. And although so many horrible dark days have occured through the centuries and with much bloodshed, I do believe there will be a final one, worse than any before, and that Armageddon is a spectacular rescue that comes at the end. I don't know God's name and really, it's a moot point. The important thing is the message that Jesus came to deliver. He came to teach us how to love one another and how to recognize the behavior of love. He also promised that he would "go to prepare a place for us" and that he "would come back to get us". At his return he said the elements of this earth would melt. And I believe that is literal. He said "lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world." He said there would be an end to this world, this planet. Not "this Age". This "Age" is the new terminology being spread. He said there would be a "new heaven and a new earth." He did not say a "remodeled" or "restored" old earth. The religions will promote the new earth as simply "a new way of thinking." Does that sound like what Jesus said? From the descriptions I read in the Bible and even here on this board, I have a feeling that there is something very wrong about the name of Jehovah. The attributes in scripture do not fit the character of a True Creator. Everything about this "Jehovah god" seems to be destructive. You can't be both creative and destructive. I think the words and attributes of the True God and this jehovah have somehow become intertwined. The scriptures have been tampered. Are you suggesting, also, that the rumors regarding CO and DO changes are actually UN NGO-trained replacements? Yes. Absolutely. It has already begun to happen in the christian churches. I think it had a lot to do with the lay-offs in Bethel as these new characters were coming in. They are skilled in certain management techniques. This is what is needed now to begin this new phase. The local home-grown uneducated elder, and other rank, just won't do. These replacements will be slick manipulators with a purpose. And they will be well trained to execute the ultimate mind bending. They won't be people who have moved-up through the ranks, but you never know what kind of lies they may tell to gain your confidence. A new terminology for christendom is called "planter churches" and plants they are! I think of the way con-men use plants in a scheme. Do you know what I mean? Here is an excerpt: Like other members who questioned the new church management, he has been banned from the communion table. By declining a series of "counseling" sessions and by failing to attend a "Solemn Assembly" -- a special congregational meeting for the purpose of public confession, brokenness, reconciliation and healing -- he supposedly proved his "unwillingness to submit" to his spiritual authorities. There's only one way that "insubordinate" people like Bill would be welcomed back into fellowship: they must follow the steps to "reconciliation" determined by the new interim pastor. For Bill, reconciliation would mean compromise, for he could neither trust the new leadership nor agree with the proposed program. And disagreement was, apparently, unacceptable to the new leadership. As Jim Van Yperen, the "intentional interim pastor" would soon teach, "There's not a lot of things you have permission to disagree about." [4] What, then, was Bill's initial sin? During one of many "adult group forums" held to introduce and discuss the new church agenda, he had shared his lack of peace, called for spiritual discernment and asked some challenging questions about the psychological strategies that might be used to produce change. He had reasons to be concerned. About the mega churches we discussed, that will happen later in the future when the gov. begins to use the churches to implement all social programs. They will be the distribution centers. These churches will be the "new government". But that will be Phase 2. It's much later down the world. Probably a couple of years. That is designed to make the "compliant people" believe that there can be a one world peace through the guise of this coming one world religion. "All roads lead to god." Church buildings will be instrumental to subliminally enforce the concept that "this idea comes from god". (LIE) What this article says is not really important. The point is to get people used to the idea of "mega churches"; the article is just advance marketing. These places will be more impersonal. Later on, they will be the new S**'s Club and you will need the chip to get the services offered. (drop stations for social services) interesting article on mega churcges: http://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/2008/05/lifeline-for-ma.html#more