Is the green bible ( new world translation) special in any way?
Did the WTBS make any revisional changes when the black one came out?
Why did they discontinue the green one?
Is the green one the one that Johannes help translate?
by loosie 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Is the green bible ( new world translation) special in any way?
Did the WTBS make any revisional changes when the black one came out?
Why did they discontinue the green one?
Is the green one the one that Johannes help translate?
Is the green bible ( new world translation) special in any way?
It's green
Okay, seriously there were several green bibles.
The New World Translation was released in six stages from 1950 though 1960:
New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures 1950
New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures vol. I 1953
New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures vol. II 1955
New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures vol. III 1957
New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures vol. IV 1958
New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures vol. V 1960
On June 23, 1961, one compact version (1466 pages) was released. Although JW literature today claims that Witnesses were "overjoyed" with this realease, many of them were disappointed with the omision of the marginal cross-references, footnotes and appendix that they had become used to.
In 1963, two other editions were released. One was a pocket sized edtion and the other was the "Large print original edition." Basically this was all six original volumes bound together in their original format. (3600+ pages) More recent JW publications (e.g. The Proclaimers book) refer to this as the "Students Edtion." However it is often colloquially known among collectors as the "Fat Boy."
Did the WTBS make any revisional changes when the black one came out? Why did they discontinue the green one?
There's actually not an easy answer to that question The NWT was revised both in 1970 and again 1971 with the release of a large print edition, but the binding remained the same for standard size Bibles.
In 1981, the 1971 revision was given a new binding and the copyright was renewed. This was the end of the "Green Bible" as standard and Deluxe bindings were now both black. (The deluxe binding was also available in maroon.) The interesting maps on the inside covers (The Ancient World & Paul's Jouneys) with lattitude and longitude, cultural figures, whales and a dinosaur were also replaced.
However this Bible (1971 edition + 1981 binding) was only published for a few years and these are becoming somewhat uncommon today. In 1984, the New World Translation was again revised, the copyright was renewed, and it was given a slightly different binding in both standard and large print edtions. Cross references and footnotes were added. (or more accurately, added back)
Is the green one the one that Johannes help translate?
LOL Greber was trotted out in support of the NWT after the fact. He wasn't a translator of it.
Is the green bible ( new world translation) special in any way?
It had a cool picture of an apatosaurus roaming around northern Africa.
None of the other churches had Dino-Bibles!
wow as usual the people on this board are a wealth of information. thank you
Yep mine has a dino. Wonder why they put that in there.
The dinosaur represents Freddie Franz.
Everyone knows dinosaurs lived in pyramids - that's why they put one in the NWT!
The 1961 should be "original" translation. I believe the first NWT to have "improved translations" of a verse or two was 1971. Other changes followed.
I like the 1961 edition because it was the one I signed up for (as much as a 9 year old can). As New Light brought new translations of scripture, I suspected my contract was being renegotiated without my input.
Anchi-, Apato-, Bronto-,
whatever kind of "saurus" it was, I think we can agree that it was particularly well-suited for the addition of a little Razor-type scooter by bored JW kids. Some kids did skateboards, but the little arms sticking out were perfect for a scooter.
I had a copy of the green bible until about a week ago. now I regret throwing it out with the other WT literature. Specifically because in the green version the WTS had john 1:1 without the "a"
there were a couple of other verses as well that they have now changed in the newer version (which also completely changes the meaning of the scripture) but i can't remember what those verses are
The Green Bible says:
Hebrews 1:6
But when He again brings His First-born into the inhabited earth, He says, And let all God’s angels worship Him.