So anyways it was meeting night to night and like always i had to go i showed up late of course so i can miss the first song. I wasn't wearing a jacket of course so i stood out like a sore thumb. During the bible highlights i wanted to bring out john chap 14:6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." it took some balls but i really wanted to bring out what the bible says word for word. Unfortunatly bro so an so who is also the PO purposely didnt call on me cause he knows im a rabble rouser. I took a moment and looked around at all the blank looks on the peoples faces and it sickens me to know that there all brainwashed. Blah blah blah come to meetings then the middle song time for a trip to the bathroom Like clockwork. Then there was the highlight of my evening during the second part of the meeting about making your load light and going out in field circus and i made a comment about how we can throw are burdens on Jehovah and Jesus what there saying is and im quoting what i said word for word "lean on me when your not strong he'll be your friend he'll help you carry on, Cause we all need somebody to lean on" I was this close to singing it. afterward there was some healthy laughter especially form the bro giving the talk. Next part place what the bible REALLY teaches, Ha if they only knew. Then the last song i would hum the first five stances so it looked like i was singing and then at the last stanza in stead of saying jehoba now is king i would sing Christ Jesus now is king. Sigh i can wait till Sunday(denotes sarcasm) Ex-smoker signing off
Another wasted thursday.....
by Ex-smoker 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lady Zombie
I feel your pain. Theocratic Ministry School was tonight for me as well.
All my sisters (4), of us...did our weekly Thursday night meeting...complete with karaoke....lots of drinking....
Thought about ya'll!!
yep..i was doing mics so i had that birds-eye view or whatever. he most definitely avoided calling on you. i had to keep myself from bursting into laughter at how obvious he was being. what a tool.
What are they afraid of, the truth? And there is no way it can be lightening one's load when they make you do field circus all the time.
That means a waste of Friday as well.
passive suicide
You think no jacket is hard....try sporting some post baptismal tattoo a short sleeve meeting shirt of course........I did it, and I enjoyed the space it gave me............
Know the meetings for what they really are.....Propaganda and Indoctrination Sessions!
Glad I haven't been to a meeting in months, lulz
Me too! Hated coming home from work tired to get all dressed up for the meeting just to listen to a boasting session.