What a profound thread.
To all "born-in" DF'd/DA'd posters.....
by DublDipd 25 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
erm just aquestion blacksheep, why would you have a current awake as your background on your computer if your not interested or was it just a tempory thing specifically for your families visit for them to see?
It was a nice picture of a kid with a butterfly. It was just there for the visit. My daughter commented on it, thinking that the girl was her neice. When she refused to give me a copy of the mags, she admitted that it was hypocritical to refuse to give them to me, when she would be giving them to complete strangers. That still didn't stop her refusing them. I never said another word about it. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she picked up that Awake! Cheers Chris
No I don't think we ever will be. From everything I have read and experienced childhood has such a great impact on the rest of you life and the personality implications. That is not to say life has to be grim and bleak but it can never be the same from how it has been changed. As for overcoming rejection sure. Find new people to be dear, find new family. They say blood is thicker than water but I dont think blood has to be through birth. Family is who you make it to be.
As for normal family it is my estimation that there is no normal family and that worldly families are just as messed up as JW ones though in different ways. How to overcome? Be yourself. Do it now, do it right, do it all. You don't have to ever forgive them just realize that now you make your own choices and if you choose to have a negative attitude then that is very regretable. There wasnt a choice for you before but there is now and you must make it for the better. It may take effort, committment and discipline to make your life what you want it but that is ultimately going to be less than the price of regret.
Stop trying to get over it. Make the best of it instead. You can still be angr and get on with your life imo.
I can never figure out how you can "pretend" your own family doesn't exist. It's just insane to me.
I can never figure out how you can "pretend" your own family doesn't exist. It's just insane to me.
It is insane!!! See, those of us who got out are the sane ones!! I could never turn my back on a child, especially one I had given birth too. That's insane.
In my humble opinion, when a religion stifles human love, it's evil.
I posted this thread during a mental "downswing". At the risk of "abandoning" this thread, I could not force myself to log on until now. I was embarrased to lay open my feelings so bare. Upon logging on this evening and reading all of your responses, I teared up. Thank you all so much for your heartfelt responses. I have read all of them with undivided attention. This is a special place for all of us "damaged" people.