What about these guys?
This good news will be preached to all the inhabited earth.....
by jefferywhat 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There are regions that haven't yet been reached (and I hope they never get reached). I noticed China and Bangladesh as sterling examples of where the witlesses have not reached most of the people. Bangladesh, for instance, has one witless for a million people. China is unknown, but they don't even have a quarter as many witlesses in a country that is 4 times more populous.
And there are remote areas that haven't been reached. (And I hope they never get there.) How many islands in Indonesia, around Australia, and isolated island groups in the oceans throughout the world are still untouched remains to be seen. Many in the outback of Australia and the Sahara desert in Africa remain unwitlessed to. Antarctica is also untouched, since people that live there are dedicated to science and not religion. Communities along the Arctic coast also are difficult to reach, and the witlesses certainly haven't gotten there very well.
With some 85-90% of my own territory not reached during the Great Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign of 2008 (and there are more witlesses per 100,000 people than in many other lands), I wonder if they are going to have a hope in remote regions.
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weseeaglobalpreachingworkbeingaccomplished,whichJesussaidwouldtakeplacejustbeforetheendofthissystem. Jesus stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23. -
They look like something from a horror movie.
The big joke here of course is that they haven't preached the good news ANYWHERE. Go up to 100 people on the street and ask them "what do Jehovah's-Witnesses believe?" I'll bet you five bucks that not one of them (who's not attached in some way to the JW's) says anything about Gods kingdom or even armageddon. You'll get a lot of "they don't believe in holidays" and "they believe in Jehovah not Jesus" but NONE of them will mention gods kingdom,
That's why it's so funny when they talk about god judging people for not listening, most people could go before god and argue that they didn't want to listen because JW's aren't christians. So whats god gonna say? Who's really at fault?
The 'preaching work' is so stupid on so many levels...
The big joke here of course is that they haven't preached the good news ANYWHERE. Go up to 100 people on the street and ask them "what do Jehovah's-Witnesses believe?" I'll bet you five bucks that not one of them (who's not attached in some way to the JW's) says anything about Gods kingdom or even armageddon. You'll get a lot of "they don't believe in holidays" and "they believe in Jehovah not Jesus" but NONE of them will mention gods kingdom,
That's why it's so funny when they talk about god judging people for not listening, most people could go before god and argue that they didn't want to listen because JW's aren't christians. So whats god gonna say? Who's really at fault?
The 'preaching work' is so stupid on so many levels...
Very good observation, mkr32208. "Oh, you're the one's that don't take blood transfusions". It's interesting that during C.T. Russell's time the Bible students were actually preaching about the kingdom and the restoration of all humankind. That's not how it is now. Now days one needs to take in "accurate knowledge" of the Society's teachings in order to maybe get on the side of Jehovah, if you're lucky.
The JW cult instills a morbid fear into the minds of their adherants with the "sense of urgency" that Armageddon is just around the corner.
http://fahuio.googlepages.com/DeepInTheTimeOfTheEnd.mp3 (small mp3 concerning GB's sense of urgency)
The younger generations are a breeding ground for this type of hype and propaganda. They don't understand that the same things have been said, especially since the time of Rutherford.
-- Stephen
"The Generation of 1914 will not pass away.".......OooP`s!!...We don`t believe that anymore.....We have to start from the begining....Again..
Lady Zombie
*** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 "Keep on the Watch" ***
weseeaglobalpreachingworkbeingaccomplished,whichJesussaidwouldtakeplacejustbeforetheendofthissystem. Jesus stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.Can we say strrrrrrreeeeeeeeettttttcccccchhhhhh boing snap?
I guess this means that those people who do not get to hear the "good news of the kingdom" will be spared at Armegeddon since they were not permitted to chose whether to allign themselves with Jehovah or allign themselves with Satan?
And what about the monotheistic peoples who do not get to hear the "good news?"
I am Jehovah. You shall not have any gods before me.
Doesn't that right there condemn them to destruction?
Does the society plan to parachute missionaries into the jungles of Amazon so that they can witness to these isolated tribes?
What about the poor Islamic women who are forbidden to leave their homes? Do they get to hear the "good news?" That might entail opening the door to men holding Watchtowers. Islamic women cannot have any contact with males who are not family members. To do so would mean being lashed with a whip or worse. And women cannot walk around in public without family males escorting them. So will the society provide a husband/wife pioneer team to witness to Islamic women?
I love how the org is covering their asses on this one. "To Jehovah's satisfaction."
Here's a group that the Witnesses missed. Maybe they will soon be sending Gilead missionaries to where "the need is greatest." I just here "the pitch" now - "Well, brother Doe, you'll be travelling to an area of the Brazilian rainforest somewhere near the Peruvian border. You'll love it there! You'll be just like Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden [the only thing is that there are alot of snakes there, but they don't talk. But you still have to be careful with them]. What? Is there a Starbucks or donut shop nearby? Sorry, but the answer is "no." Looks like you'll have no excuse to fool around while out in service, ha! ha!"
A paradox that shows how ridiculous the idea that only JWs will be saved is:
- If a JW claims these people will die at Armageddon it paints Jehovah as cruel, unfair and lacking in justice for murdering people at Armageddon who have never heard of him and had the chance to worship him - on the other hand
- If a JW claims that since these people have not been witnessed to, Jehovah may save them anyway, then being preached to is an unfair disadvantage, as it puts people who have rejected JWs on Jehovah's muderous radar, but gives people unreached by JWs a chance to escape destruction.