ACHIEVE YOUR "BLISS", spirituality, cosmic consciousness HERE!

by Terry 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry
    The very nature of life and death are mystical.

    I hate to be a pedant, I really do. But, the word choices we use are either helpful (accurate) or chaotic (mystifying).

    Life is a complex of processes in an organism. Death is the cessation of those processes.

    Neither LIFE nor DEATH has a NATURE.

    NATURE means the way entities act and interact according to their identity.

    I would humbly suggest it is the word choice which has robbed the above statement of actual comprehensibilty.


    The lack of precision in those word choices signals confusion on the part of the one trying to communicate the idea itself.

    Life, as an interconnection of processes is more and more understood by science. The termination of those interactions is self-evident in Death.

    I would submit to you that what the sentence above is really saying is something like this:

    BECAUSE OF OUR CONFUSED BELIEF SYSTEM, which asserts the existence of things wholly imaginary and passes them off as real, our rational mind cannot grasp the contradictions inherent in LIFE and DEATH.

    Not pithy, eh? Consequently, we are mystified. (i.e. unable to embrace contradiction)

  • Terry
    These intangible realities cannot be seen, heard, or felt in the physical sense, but they exist.

    Bald assertion which must be accepted on blind faith.

    IF you believe this statement, your rational, thinking processes (which must integrate non-contradictorily) is disabled.

    That is what creates the MYSTICAL aspect.

  • Terry
    Perhaps, the reason for the ambiguities and the veiling has to do w the very personal nature of mysticism.

    Personal reality? That signals imagination!

    Everybody has a right to their own opinion NOT THEIR OWN FACTS (or reality).

    Reality is OBJECTIVE, not subjective.

    Otherwise, your boss could pay you in seashells and you could pump pigeon urine into your gas tank and get 200 miles to the gallon!

    The "reason for the ambiguities" is because the vocabulary is robbed of legitimate referents and hijacked to "mean" imaginary things.

    Mystics are passing counterfeit money and you are trying to buy real things with that money. It may appear to work---UNTIL you are caught and have to give it all back.

    What makes money counterfeit? Ask yourself that.


    It is the same basic reason we can't print our own "reality."

  • caliber

    Spock (aka Mr. Spock) is a main character in the original Star Trek TV series, and one of the most enduring characters from American 1960s television. He is the only alien in the permanent cast: half-Vulcan, half-Human

    His personal struggle between the Vulcan logical self and his human emotional self is the centerpiece of the character and created some evocative drama.

    I am not an alien to human emotion, spiritual world and the physical world create no struggle or

    conflict for me. Is this logical enough, or have I again used the wrong words, out of context and

    proper meaning ? While you contiue to swish and analyze the wine, I'm going to actually

    enjoy it and drink it ! .......LoL


  • Magick

    hmmm...I was just thinking how nice it was to have people online who have been where you've been, and love you unconditionally. It was a cozy kinda feeling. Then, I log on and read this silly dribble Terry wrote. Instead of dancing naked under the black moon, and wishing Terry's man moons turned into stone, I pull myself together.

    Alas, I step back and surmise, that because Terry has pulled one sentence, one word even, from my reference, he merely wishes to play with the mouse, not kill it. Nice skill! However, I must decline your hidden "gift" of side-stepping by diversion.

    QUOTE: I would humbly suggest it is the word choice which has robbed the above statement of actual

    comprehensibilty. -Terry

    Perhaps Terry's omission of the letter "i" in "comprehensibility" is by "nature" a Freudian slip, perhaps he subconsciously saw his penis shrink to the size of that iniquitous extra letter.

    Ok, this is Terry's thread...we must only accept "the concept of nature and reject the nature of a concept.

    That is the nature of these types of discussion.

    QUOTE: I would submit to you that what the sentence above is really saying is something like this:

    I do not think you can submit something to me that I submitted to you and try to interpret the "hidden" or "mystical" meaning behind my own plain text.

    Many great thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes or Spinoza held philosophical views of the "nature" of life. Perhaps they suffered from poor word precision, or perhaps the "confusion [is] on the part of the one trying to [comprehend] the idea itself."

  • Magick

    yes, i said "man moons" good gawd! (she exclaims predaciously ) i need to "achieve my bliss" and hit the hay. blows *kisses* @ Terry

  • trevor


    It was a cosy kind of feeling. Then, I log on and read this silly dribble Terry wrote.

    Terry’s comments make complete sense to me and arrive at a testable conclusion. An enjoyable read. I have read through your post and it makes no sense. It seems to be an example of what Terry is writing about.

    Fuzzy, illogical, guesswork that allows you to feel cosy while abandoning your power of reason. Sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zone in order to grasp what reality is.

    Perhaps you should read what you wrote again and ask yourself what your point is?

    Edited to add:

    If we are going to play amature psychology I would suggest that Freud would also say that the fact you have chosen to write about Terry’s 'penis' and 'man moons' indicates that you have an unconscious sexual attraction towards him.


  • Terry

    What we know and understand is useful and practical.

    What we don't know is mysterious and titillating.

    It is difficult to construct a myth around the known and all too easy around the unknown.

    It is difficult to construct a myth around the known and all too easy around the unknown.
    The problem with the mysterious is that anybody can claim anything about it and market it as super-knowledge.

    Just as each of us only has 24 hours in a day to work with----what we fill those hours with determines where we end up.

    It all comes down to choices as to how we spend our time (practical or impractical) and how we use our mind.

    At some point we must disambiguate.

    Science is science and evidence is evidence.

    If there were scientific evidence for mysticism Mysticism would cease to be mystical (hidden)!

    Consequently, scientific evidence cannot be FOR the mystical.

    As civilization has advanced, one after another areas of magic, mysticism, superstition and myth have been blown away by rational investigation,

    testing, measuring, reasoning and recording data.

    MYSTICS are making their LAST STAND. They now call themselves "believers".

    The last stand of the "believer" is the miraculous: the as yet unexplained.

    This consists of blindly insisting on the unintelligible! They will tell you you CANNOT KNOW!

    Yet, somehow, they know!

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave, for example, KNOWS what you cannot know by yourself. The result is that You NEED them.

    Each Name-brand Mystic has a source of power you are cut off from and they run a Protection Racket like mobsters in Al Capone's era.

    You must listen and not speak. You must respect and not question. You must obey and not balk. You must pay for their services!

    You must buy their books and speak their language. You must turn away from all others who contradict them and make the skeptics your enemy!

    The MYSTICS create their own language of vague non-meaning.

    The vocabulary of the Mystic contains words which mean what they want them to mean.

    How to accept Mysticism:

    1.Accept allegations without evidence.

    2.Accept personal experiences instead of proof.

    3.Trust not your 5 senses. Postulate a 6th and use that one!

    4.Claim as knowledge the non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable.

    5.Start using words like "instinct", "intuition", "revelation" or "just knowing". Replace physical reality with "spirit" and "energy".

    6.Give up the One Reality and replace it with some other "reality" whose only definition is that it is NOT natural, but, SUPERnatural.

    7.Perceive your new nature, the supernature, with unnatural means such as "prayer", "meditation", "divination", "ritual", contacting spirits, angels and channelers of Truth.

    8.Become one with the Mystic and his World View by asserting that everything is reducible to one's OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. View your own mind as the True Reality. View the concrete world of dirt, stones, air and physics as mere ILLUSION!

    9. Never view your emotions as involuntary physical sensations triggered by your deeply held VALUES---instead, view your emotions as SOURCES OF TRUTH! (Trust your gut! Not your rational intelligence!)

    10.Proclaim that reality is not only whatever YOU want it to be, but, rely on your consciousness to actually CREATE any reality you choose for it! How? BY INSISTING through FAITH it is simply SO!

    Science is for the short-sighted, non-spiritual man trapped in an illusion of time and space who needs to be liberated by turning inward to his own spirit of awareness.

    IF YOU ARE A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS continue to follow and obey the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    If you are a mainstream Christian continue to pray and tithe and hope and trust that you aren't wasting your life on magic thinking.

    If you are a NEW AGE practioner continue chanting and meditating and channeling your "energy" while you meld into cosmic bliss.



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