John says: Your children will be killed and eaten by vultures!

by easyreader1970 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    So we had our book study last night. We are nearing the end of the insane Revelation book. You know, the one that the Watchtower says is 100% symbolic except for that bit about the 144,000 chosen ones? Yeah, that one.

    We got to the part where Jesus (here represented clearly as a sun deity) destroys all of the wicked and then he invites carrion birds to feast on the corpses of the people that he has just wasted. Our book study overseer (I hate that word; It makes me think I am a slave on a southern plantation in 1789) continues to go on about how children should be baptized at 12 or 13 because if they wait too long they will be "bird food." Yes, he actually said that. Of course, it was followed by a bunch of "Mmm-hmms" and so on from the other people in the study.

    Someone commented and made the worst analogy I have ever heard in favor of pre-teen or early-teen baptism. She says that she heard a circuit overseer say that if they are old enough to choose what TV shows they watch, what kinds of clothes they wear, what kind of video games they want to play, then they are old enough to choose which god they are going to serve.

    What the hell? Choosing which god to worship and agreeing to sign your life away forever to a human organization are two completely different things. How can you compare making a choice between Pokemon and Sonic the Hedgehog to dedicating your life to a religious group?

    What is wrong with these people?

    Furthermore, if Revelation is meant to be symbolic (except for those lucky 144,000), then one would also have to assume that the bird feast is also symbolic. The Revelation book doesn't shed any light on that bit, though. Mostly because it doesn't make any sense.


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    It makes you sick, doesn't it!

    Funny. I never made my own decision to get baptised. My mother said, "You need to hurry up and make up your mind about baptism" which translated as "You will get baptised at the next assembly so hurry up and go talk to the elders."

    End of story for me.

    I was baptised in a galvanized tub that livestock had drank out of just the previous week. Everyone thought that was soooo cute.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    its the same old story trying to get their numbers up by fear, then you have another whole generation of young men and women who secretly write on this board because they are afraid to be shunned by their family, so keeps the Numbers up for the ORG, and JWD

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    ER: She says that she heard a circuit overseer say that if they are old enough to choose what TV shows they watch, what kinds of clothes they wear, what kind of video games they want to play, then they are old enough to choose which god they are going to serve.

    I used to use that statement in a talk about Young People. I publicly apologize. I was misguided...


    The WBT$ are nothing more than Religious Gangsters!..Join our religion!..All Praise..Or Die!..Coffin..............The longer your out,the less things like this will bother you..Roll Eyes 4..................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Someone commented and made the worst analogy I have ever heard in favor of pre-teen or early-teen baptism. She says that she heard a circuit overseer say that if they are old enough to choose what TV shows they watch, what kinds of clothes they wear, what kind of video games they want to play, then they are old enough to choose which god they are going to serve.

    What the hell? Choosing which god to worship and agreeing to sign your life away forever to a human organization are two completely different things. How can you compare making a choice between Pokemon and Sonic the Hedgehog to dedicating your life to a religious group?

    What is wrong with these people?

    You're right, it's disgusting. My folks used to remind me how the birds were going to eat my eyes (read me some scripture in Proverbs).

    How hard was it not to raise your hand and make a comment to that effect?? God, I'd love to see somebody have the guts to do that at one of their meetings... at the bookstudy, awesome; at the WT study... priceless.

  • TrekkerJW

    Lady Zombie, I didn't get baptized because I wanted to, either. May parents told me that because my sisters were baptized before they had a TV in their bedroom that I would have to get baptized before I could have a TV in mine. Naturally, I did what any 16-year-old would do and took the plunge. Biggest mistake I ever made.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Tell your book study oversear he's an ass.....from Witness one should be baptized before 30 years on age..when reasoning really kicks in. What does a pimply little teenager know about life and religion???

    {NO offense pimply teenagers}

  • WTWizard

    So the child is old enough to choose which video game to play. I could choose Pokemon today (which is a great game) and still be free to play Sonic the Hedgehog another time, or even later that day (you can save Pokemon and resume later after a session with Sonic the Hedgehog). And, if you mess up, all that's lost is the time invested in the game. Choose a bad game, and you have lost $34.99.

    Choosing a religion takes much more maturity. Once you choose one, you are not going to be free to choose others (especially with the washtowel slaveholdery). Choose the wrong one, and you are damned to a miserable, non-satisfying life full of wasted opportunities. Messing up in the washtowel is much more serious than messing up in Pokemon--you can always hit Restart and reset the game if you blow it. Try that with the washtowel.

  • Mariusuk.

    I would point out there is absolutely no scriptural basis for pre or early teen baptism, in fact don't they critisise Catholics for infacnt baptism? The only baptisms in the bible that are recorded are those of adults, hell Jesus was 30!!!!. Then back it up with there own anti birthday analogy, only 2 birthdays in the bible both end in death, only baptisms in bible are of adults

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