This could be veryyyyyy interestinggggggg.
Name Things JWs Would Do If The GB Told Them To
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
Stock up food supplies because the great tribulation is near.
Oh yeah, a lot of JW's already did that in the early 70's.
Urgent message: Sell your belongings, send the money to our account, and come to upstate New York with the bare necessities.
The ark is closing....
I could see the GB getting faithful (stupid) JWs to give every material and financial possession up and send it to the Society for one last preaching bonanza.
I don't think today's members would sell the house and pioneer for their remaining years.
I doubt they would quit most jobs because of some new light, but some would.If service every weekend was mandatory, only the pioneers and the kiss-asses would
always do it. There would be many new "fakers."I say most would start taking blood if the GB told them it was approved for emergency and
surgery. I think they would give up some foods and drinks if the GB said to do so.I can imagine many would lose weight and try to stay fit if the GB made it a priority. I could
see them all start wearing a certain brand of clothes or a uniform. I bet most would buy a
certain item if the GB said we all needed an ACME DISASTER KIT or an ACE BOOK BAG
or a NAME BRAND SUITCASE for conventions. I wonder that even most elders would buy
a certain car or minivan to kiss-ass if the GB said "All elders will drive this particular car that
is best suited for service." I can't imagine too many not on the elder body giving a rat's hind
quarter about such a large purchase.Virtually every congregation would complain, but reluctantly change halls if Mother said she
needed to sell every other one. That thought kinda scares me.I bet many would stop watching certain television shows if a list came out, but virtually none
would totally ban television on demand. -
OTWO, what a thought provoking list!
What food and drinks could you see JWs giving up? Not coffee!
What food and drinks could you see JWs giving up? Not coffee!
They'd lose all of the pioneers™ within a week.
I think they would stop eatting at McDonalds if the GB told them to do so.
Fast food chains, fatty snacks like Twinkies, not alcohol but limited types of booze.
I doubt they would give up coffee, tea, or caffinated soda, seems too Mormon.If they came up with any circular reasoning, I could see banning of any brand name
like STARKIST or TROPICANA or the like.I could also see any members with serious money being told to stop participating
in the stock market, but stock up on gold or some other precious metal. Many would
comply.Here's ones I know they would do: Stop the preaching work. Skip the midweek meetings.
Stay in any hotel you want- you are on your own. -
I once asked a sister would she give up tea and coffee if the the GB asked her to. She said "Of course, why give up the chance of everlasting life just for the sake of a drink"
How screwed is that!