Pimping the Divine Name

by Farkel 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glenster

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    What have the Romans ever done for us?:

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    The name Jehovah has always offended me. I thought it was because it was a reminder that my parents were part of this cult; that only the witnesses used this word. At my church we on occasion do sing one song with the name Jehovah in it. I was surprised when I first heard it. I still don’t like the name. It is a man made name that means nothing. It reveals nothing of His character or nature. My mother will compare it to the name Jesus; that in Hebrew it’s Yeshua. There is no comparison. We know the name of Jesus in Hebrew. We don’t know God’s name in Hebrew. According to the JW’s the name Jehovah is good enough, even though it’s not accurate?

    Jehovah’s Witnesses were the people of Israel. (I have yet to study if they were a small group or the whole nation) They were the true witnesses of God. God has never forsaken or replaced these people. The JW’s of today are not God’s witnesses. They are a false, blasphemous, lost people. Some would say they are the anti-Christ and it’s easy to see why. JW’s are led to believe in a false god, a ruthless, angry, hateful, destroying god. This is not my God.

    Instead of Jehovah, I have in the past used Yahweh but I believe that this is also incorrect.

    The Tetragrammaton YHWH - My understanding is that a Catholic priest inserted the vowels of adonai (aoa) into the Tetragrammaton YHWH and came up with YaHoWaH which ended up Jehovah. This link will explain.


    What would offend me is, if God’s name is truly Jehovah, (and thankfully it isn’t) the JW’s defile His holy name by placing it in all their literature; literature that is thrown out in the trash. His name could be stepped on, thrown in trash with all other rejected items. Is this how we treat the Holy name of God?

    The priests uttered His name, I believe, once a year in the Temple. My understanding is that they never destroy a torah or tanach. To the Jews His name is very holy. Thankfully the Jews were wise enough to protect His name from this kind of abuse. The consonants in the tetragrammaton are pronounced Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey. My understanding is the Hebrew didn’t have vowels. Most likely we will never know how to pronounce His name. If it was required, Jesus would have told us to pray in that name.

    I pray to our Father. It’s the way Jesus prayed to our Father. (The Lord’s Prayer-Matthew 6)) (And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:14-15)

  • belbab


    By your post you have demonstrated that it is possible to present information in a longer post than a couple of lines. It is an easy read. A breeze from beginning to end. Like a breeze that twirls dust devils on a dry driveway, let me add to your comments.

    After reading your post I did a search on vowels and consonants in ancient Hebrew and also the use of vowels and consonants in music. I find that some of the consonants in Hebrew were pronounced as vowels. In my opinion, Rutherford chose the pronunciation of Jay Ho Vah because it is hard, mean and merciless, somewhat like HO Chee Min, something definite, something you can poke in someones eye.

    You state that: So they invented some vowels and slapped them between the consonants in the TetraGrammaPhone.
    I am maintaining that it was the opposite, they took a watery, nebulous sounding name and added hard spit-like spear-like consonants.

    In a thread from 2003, I posted:


    Ancient Hebrew had no vowels in their alphabet. Only consonants. Most consonants are hard, pronounced with the lips or tip of the tongue. The ability to identify vowel sounds with letters of the alphabet had not yet been discerned.

    My theory is that the name of Big J, was all vowels. That is something like eee oh aaah.

    In English we have similar expressions an words, for example the word awe, the exclamation 0h, as in Oh my God!, Another example is the old cowboy yell, Yeeeeee Haaah.

    So what the Big Guy was telling Moses was my name is not in your vocabulary.

    It is something like what Lao Tsu said,

    The WAY is forever nameless,

    Though the uncarved block is small

    No one in the world dare claim its allegiance

    Should lords and princes be able to hold fast to it

    The myriad creatures will submit to of their own accord,

    Heaven and earth will unite and sweet dew will fall,

    And the people will be equitable, though no one decrees

    Only when it is cut are there names,

    As soon as there are names

    One ought to know that it is time to stop,

    Knowing when to stop one can be free from danger

    The WAY is to the world s the River and the Sea are to rivulets and streams.


  • Terry

    GOD is a conceptual envelope into which definitions of divine can be placed generically.

    JEHOVAH is a different case altogether!

    A name encompasses that which is named entirely!

    Can a trancendant Being be encompassed in a name which is not properly known or pronounced?

    YHVH is but detritus of the actual name. YHVH is fragmentary.

    A good example of the violence done to dignity and representation comes from the following.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the President of the United States Hoobert Heever!"

    That is an actual announcer's error from a radio broadcast in which Herbert Hoover was introduced before an address!

    It made the presentation a laughing stock!

    This same situation is repeated ad nauseum everytime Jehovah's Witnesses misrepresent the Supreme Being with their fumbling ineptitude passed off as a brand name like Nike Swoosh!

  • JWdaughter

    Excellent post, Farkel! Very readable and interesting. Thanks!

  • Dogpatch

    love it!

    Good one Farkel!


  • Quentin

    Gosh...I had forgotten how much I used J this and J that, so long ago...thanks Farkel. The rest of my day will be...................

  • Farkel

    For those of you who only speak English, I thought it would be helpful if I translated Terry's comments for you:

    :GOD is a conceptual envelope into which definitions of divine can be placed generically.

    Translation: "God is a catchall term."

    :JEHOVAH is a different case altogether!

    Translation: "Jehovah is not a catchall term."

    :A name encompasses that which is named entirely!

    Translation: "I love the way I write so much!"

    : Can a trancendant Being be encompassed in a name which is not properly known or pronounced?

    Translation: "God, I love the way I write!"

    :YHVH is but detritus of the actual name. YHVH is fragmentary.

    Translation: "YHVH is an eroded leftover of the actual name."

    :A good example of the violence done to dignity and representation comes from the following.

    Translation: "Here's how a misplaced vowel can end up being offensive: "

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the President of the United States Hoobert Heever!"

    :That is an actual announcer's error from a radio broadcast in which Herbert Hoover was introduced before an address!

    Translation: "This really happened!"

    :It made the presentation a laughing stock!

    :This same situation is repeated ad nauseum everytime Jehovah's Witnesses misrepresent the Supreme Being with their fumbling ineptitude passed off as a brand name like Nike Swoosh!

    Translation: "Dubs do the same thing with God's name. It makes me want to throw up!"



    Excellent post as usual Farkel. I've been a member of your fan club for a whole year now. It's posts like these that keep me coming back to JWD. Informative and funny. I'm always glad to see you pop back in.

  • Terry

    For those of you who only speak English, I thought it would be helpful if I translated Terry's comments for you:

    :GOD is a conceptual envelope into which definitions of divine can be placed generically.

    Translation: "God is a catchall term."

    :JEHOVAH is a different case altogether!

    Translation: "Jehovah is not a catchall term."

    :A name encompasses that which is named entirely!

    Translation: "I love the way I write so much!"

    : Can a trancendant Being be encompassed in a name which is not properly known or pronounced?

    Translation: "God, I love the way I write!"

    :YHVH is but detritus of the actual name. YHVH is fragmentary.

    Translation: "YHVH is an eroded leftover of the actual name."

    :A good example of the violence done to dignity and representation comes from the following.

    Translation: "Here's how a misplaced vowel can end up being offensive: "

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the President of the United States Hoobert Heever!"

    :That is an actual announcer's error from a radio broadcast in which Herbert Hoover was introduced before an address!

    Translation: "This really happened!"

    :It made the presentation a laughing stock!

    :This same situation is repeated ad nauseum everytime Jehovah's Witnesses misrepresent the Supreme Being with their fumbling ineptitude passed off as a brand name like Nike Swoosh!

    Translation: "Dubs do the same thing with God's name. It makes me want to throw up!"


    I laughed until tears squirted out of my ducts like a mouse pissing at the moon!

    Thanks, Fark, I get it---I'm a pompous buffoon!

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