he might have tried to convince you it was a tattoo.....was it brown and smelly by chance?...was her diaper full?
Tattoos are they for you?
by Hope4Others 66 Replies latest jw friends
Ninja ,
I bet You' ll have more pints for desert ? You give a whole new meaning to Bobbing for apples
Caliber ... he he he he !
I like mine. It is in a place no one can see it, since it is at the top of where a rear pocket on a pair of jeans is. Small and nice.
Why get a tramp stamp when I can go all out and have a hot biker tattoo my ass?!
I have a mole on my a$$ ! Does that count ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Um, I don't think so Mr. Flipper. lol
I like my tattoo. Currently it is on the side of my left leg. If I live long enough I'm sure I'll be dragging an anchor around my ankel.
I have always wanted a tattoo...!!!
When my first Husband and I were bikers, he went and got a 5" Harley tattoo on his arm, after
watching that, and seeing him down quite a bit of Jack Daniels and still have tears in his eyes....
I decided ...Not my cup of tea... I'm a wimp...
White Dove
I love tatoos and am planning for my third one. One is around my ankle and the other is on the inside of my left leg. I've bonded with them and feel very good about them. I'm definately a tatoo and piercings person. I guess it's because I view it as artsy. I see a body without tatoos as blank canvases.
White Dove
Tattoos are 2 cool
2 be
4 gotten
Bump to the top
Bumble Bee
This is mine
I like my tattoos. Both of them are easily hideable on my back. The first one says "numb" after the linkin park song (I'm tired of being who you want me to be: look up the lyrics) and the other one is a greek psi to commemorate my honors psych degree. I'm sure my mom would freak and dad wouldn't be cool with it but they mean a lot to me and "body mods" have been around for a long time in many tribal cultures. Hell if you want a fad tattoo (ankle butterflies, kanji, barbed wire) I'm not going to stop you but my tattoos have a lot of significance and years of planning in very employable placements. And honestly getting them "re-inked" after a couple years..just take care of them. Put on sunscreen, dont expose them to the sun a lot if possible and most artists guarantee lifetime touchups of the ink. I had one touched up no charge over a bit of scar tissue that didnt hold the ink as well and it looks great. When I'm old and wrinkly I am not going to regret my life, as the body changes and the ink changes with it. you wouldnt tell an old person their wrinkles make the skin they have had since they were younger "look bad" so why would you say wrinkles make their ink look bad?