How JW act at hotels with free breakfast

by whathehadas 13 Replies latest social humour

  • whathehadas


  • blondie

    What I love is when the WTS had to tell them not to load up with food to take to the convention for lunch.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Another embarrassing thing at hotels for the DC was when the WTS actually would get a great rate for a nice hotel (Hyatt, Renaissance, Hilton) and you'd have the mini-van full of JWs pull up and drag in their huge picnic coolers, so they could avoid dining out at local restaurants.

    I'm sure the hotel staff seldom saw a trip. In fact, isn't that why they had to start putting specific instructions in the KM to tip waiters and hotel staff.

    I think it was in 1958 a local media person (NY Times?) said that JWs came to NYC with the 10 Commandments and a $10 bill and left town without breaking either of them.


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  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    This is not a JW phenomena. I see it regularly at higher end hotels when they book rooms with weekend rates well below the standard business-day rates. The staff knows what's coming based on one thing: the going room rate. I use the occasion to enjoy watching families enjoy themselves on their own terms. They may not act like I would, but they're having a good time.
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    What I love is when the WTS had to tell them not to load up with food to take to the convention for lunch.....Blondie

    ....................................................................I Can Bring This To The Assembly!..

    Image result for stealing food..........Image result for continental breakfast

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  • stuckinarut2

    Remember, the rules DO NOT apply to "me" they think......

  • ToesUp
    Have you ever noticed some of the coolers some of these people bring to the assemblies? Looks like they packed a Thanksgiving dinner! Oh that's right we don't celebrate Thanksgiving with Turkey, etc. Yeah right! wink wink
  • Quarterback
    At some of these hotels/motels that I have stayed at, you wouldn't want to take their food to the assembly. Some food that was available was not even edible for breakfast.
  • joe134cd
    I find it amusing when people talk about this approved motels. In this country it's un-heard of. In fact it wasn't until I came on here that I heard of it.
  • DesirousOfChange

    I use the occasion to enjoy watching families enjoy themselves on their own terms. They may not act like I would, but they're having a good time.

    Sorry but I can't always agree with that idea.

    I recall staying at a reasonably nice hotel -- indoor pool & hot tub. Business travel. NOT a JW event. And one young couple had their infant in the hot tub in a diaper. And the kid pooped in the hot tub.

    1) They shouldn't have an infant (so young to still not be potty trained) in a hot tub.

    2) They shouldn't have anyone at any age who requires a diaper (or Depends) in the hot tub.

    3) It's at times like that, and in any rural setting where I hear banjo music that I run like hell.


    PS Hotel management & maintenance thought it was a pretty shitty situation too.


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