Hi all I had a Jehovah's witness knocking on my door on 31/05/08 it was very happy female, I could of have shouted at her but I was very close going that way as my legs were shaking a little bit like Jelly as I was talking to the Jehovah's Witness finding polite way of shooing her away. I have used the word Cult to them but they denied it. I said about Emma Gough but they said its because she wasn't looked after. I mentioned about 1 of the witnesses rape they denied that the elders are witnesses who did that to her and disfellowshipped her so the elders gotten away with the offence, the lady said she probley wasnt a Jehovah's Witness. Main thing I controlled my Anger if she came earlier in the year I probley would of bitten her head off.
The leaflet she gave to me was shredded as that can brain wash too. Vincent